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Games Animation | Stage 2 Brief | 2018 Search For A Star & Sumo Digital Rising Star Sticky Locked

A topic by GradsInGames created Nov 13, 2017 Views: 289
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Click here for a copy of the brief document in Google Docs


Search For A Star & Sumo Digital Rising Star 2018

Games Animation | Stage 2 Brief

Core Brief

Create a game-ready 3D character movement sequence comprised of four connectable assets. All stylistic, thematic and aesthetic considerations are at the artist's discretion, as is the rigged model you choose to work with. The full development process must be evidenced, from pre-production, production, post-production to final presentation.


The goal of this piece of work is to demonstrate your ability as an animator to conceive, develop, create and present an innovative and creative movement sequence. The process that leads to the result is as key as the final composition itself, the creativity and motivation of the final piece should be evident from the foundation work.  

Fixed Conditions

The scene must contain a series of movements typical of character animations in games environments that work both as isolated animations and as a chained sequence. The final animation must be presented both as the individual looped movements and as a complete sequence beginning and ending in the idle state.

Movements must include:

  • One ‘idle’ state

  • One ‘powering up’ state

  • One ‘release’ state

  • One ‘recovery’ state

Thematic and Stylistic Suggestions

A strong animation piece tends to allude to some sort of narrative, sense of mood, tone and place. The theme and tone should act as strong motivators toward your choice of model/rig, render style, execution and your personal strength, as it’s your artistic judgment in these areas that will be on show.

The choice of theme and complexity of movement are at the your discretion, but to help here are some examples to encourage a range of creative interpretations around the brief: -

  • A fearless, ancient warrior bravely charging into battle

    • Idle; Calmly surveying a battlefield, locating a threat

    • Power up; clambering forward, weapon drawn

    • Release; a heavy attack strike

    • Recovery; victory shout / gesture

  • A comical & frenetic scientist creating a dangerous concoction

    • Idle; tentatively poking at a held object

    • Power up; excitedly mixing up a solution

    • Release; Explosive burst, flailing movement, recoiling from danger

    • Recovery; dusts self down and checks for damage

  • A tense, dynamic explorer traversing rugged terrain

    • Idle; assessing location, checking equipment

    • Power up; crouching down, maintaining balance while coiled up ready to leap

    • Release; a leap, grab and scrabble for purchase on the rocks

    • Recovery; Lift over ledge & roll to safety

Concept & Design

The pre-production phase is there to help solidify a vision and decide the motivating factors for the animation being produced. Whilst reviewing the final piece, the journey, influences and creative choices along the way will be taken into account.  

Evidence of reference gathering, moodboards, collation or collage of specific designs, concepts or reference points will need to be produced and presented. Boards should also be used to demonstrate investigation into particular movements, techniques, tone, cultural influences

The use of video reference, photo or concept art relevance when consolidating your design depends on the creative direction you choose, as long as the vision and compositional elements can be clearly communicated.

Storyboarding should give a feel for the structure, timing and storytelling before starting production, acting as a template for your initial animatic sequence. This could take the form of simple sketches right through to beautifully painted concept art, but the key is for the frames & annotations to be clear and solve as many pre-production questions as possible.

The pre-production phase is an integral part in both outlining and defining your objectives, as well as giving a reference point for your artistic and creative progression throughout the project.

We cannot understate the importance of good research, development, planning and documentation.

Presentation of materials

The final piece will need to be presented alongside all the preliminary pre-production works, the layout and composition of all pieces should be well considered and clearly communicate your creative intentions.

Often strong animation work can be mis-represented when not demonstrated or composed effectively. Your ability to show good judgment when focusing your creative effort and techniques towards specifically composed areas will be taken into account. Give consideration to the framing of your scene to maximize your efforts and the impact of your final render(s).

Also consider the format and framing ratio of both your final renders as well as the preliminary works. Often panoramic ratios invoke a cinematic grandeur, or perhaps a tighter and more confined composition suits your tone and mood? Do explore and consider your dimensions and relative composition and layouts.

In addition to video of the final scene and individual loops, you will also be required to present the scene as a rendered scene in Sketchfab.

Development Process / Assessment Milestones









Written intro, outline the tone and artistic motivations




Curated references, mood board, influences




Concept design, Compositional exploration









Rig preparation, advanced simulations




Initial animatic, keys and sequence blocking




Review & revision of animatic sequence, detailing & aesthetic inclusions




Final sequence in full, complete with detailing and facial animation




Post Production

Rendering of final sequence and post render edits





Present and discuss Pre-Production documentation and assets




Present and discuss Finished piece







Assessment Criteria

Concept design & development





Recommendations & Considerations

Industry professionals have been consulted throughout the SFAS process. Below you’ll see a list of common threads and feedback points that occur. Each point is worthy of consideration when defining your own brief, subject matter and executing on your own works: -

  • Aim for high quality - your best work

  • Show Concept Development

  • Researching & Purposeful Mood boards

  • Know your strengths and build upon them

  • Show full process documentation

  • Demonstrate Compositional sense

  • Understand and Define your Style

  • Showcase of artistic ability

  • Showcase of creative ability

  • Showcase of technical ability

  • Dev Diaries

  • Use industry standards / pipelines

  • Selection of character / rig

  • Scaling & proportion

  • Fluidity of movement

  • Weighting & balance

  • Deformation of model

  • Use of supporting props

  • Use of appropriate space

  • Background scenery

  • A well selected Colour palette

  • Detailing of aesthetics

  • Layout and arrangement

  • Use of mixed tools

  • Complimentary lighting

  • Consider use of post-prod’ FX

  • Leverage Post Processing

Summary and Goal

  • Design and create a game-ready animation sequence based on a single low-level concept

  • Define your own setting, theme and tone & a model/rig to reflect this.

  • The sequence must contain animations of the following states : -

    • One ‘idle’ state

    • One ‘powering up’ state

    • One ‘release’ state

    • One ‘recovery’ state

  • Format and present your final renders and supporting assets    

The goal of this exercise is to create a brief or framework that focuses your attention and skills into a single piece that demonstrates both industry relative abilities and your own personal creative judgment.

Submission Details

  • You may use any additional tools that you have access to (e.g. Maya, Substance etc.)

  • Finished projects must be presented as a series of videos, images, sketchfab models, and as a self-contained downloadable PDF project.

  • Projects must be submitted using the Itch platform (see submission guide below).

Submission Guide

All finished projects are required to be published on the platform and submitted to the Search For A Star 3D Environment Art Challenge 2018 by 28th January 2018 at 11:59 PM

You must join the SFAS Animation page to take part :

We advise that you set up an Itch account & a draft of your project page ahead of the deadline.

To create your art project page, go to your Dashboard and select the ‘Upload New Project’ option.

Complete the submission form, in line with’s Quality Guidelines

  • Set Classification to ‘Asset Pack’.

  • Set Kind of project to ‘Downloadable’.

  • Set pricing to ‘Disable all payments’ - You can change this once all projects have been marked by the judges, if you wish.

  • Include an appropriate cover image, your key screens as screenshots, video content, your full downloadable project file exports & PDF documentation as required.

  • The ‘Description’ text box will contain your copy of your written intro & final written summation, as well as your embedded Sketchfab sequences. It may contain further documentation if you choose.

  • When your project is complete, set ‘Visibility & Access Settings’ to ‘Public’. If you choose, you may also tick the box for ‘Unlisted in search & browse’.

To submit your project, return to the Search For A Star 2018 page and press the ‘Submit your jam’ button

Select your finished project, fill in your name and challenge tier details and press ‘Submit’.

You may create, update & make changes to your project page at any point, but please do not make further changes after submission to the game jam.

Support & Resources

Support information, FAQ & resources, as well as a copy of this project brief, can be found on the community forum pages for the project. Additional help & guidance may also be posted here throughout the challenge, so it’s recommended you check it regularly.

Community Forum :

We’ll also be active in the community forum to help you out & answer questions.

If you have any questions about the project or competition contact Aardvark Swift / Grads In Games at or call us on 01709834777