Greetings Legionnaires,
We know some of you may want to create new content around the Vast Grimm universe. This thread is the place to share if you make some 3rd party content.
IMPORTANT - the 3rd party license
1) Vast Grimm used the 3rd party license of MÖRK BORG. You will need to correctly label your content using the friendly MÖRK BORG license which can be found here.
2) Vast Grimm extends the 3rd party license above and must also be credited. This page here has the rules and everything you need to easily do that.
3) We want to foster a friendly, accepting, creative community around Vast Grimm. Please if you share on any of our official pages, we ask that you be polite, respectful, and accepting of others of all kinds. We will remove posts from any content we deem to be in violation of this basic rule.