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(Spoilers) Possible Neutral Route Bug

A topic by Bubu created Sep 12, 2021 Views: 241 Replies: 2
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So I started a new game to run through the neutral route to see what all might be different.

I picked the arts background and sent Asterion out during the first meeting with Argos and then continues being nice to Asterion.

There was new dialog up till the armband ceremony, after going with it the route changed into the romance route despite having sent Asterion into the valley. The game makes references to things that did not happen (such as the hug before lyre concert, and the cutlery fiasco). I think that the references happen before the armband ceremony but I did not really notice.

A good example for the reference is Chapter 16 after the Hades courtroom scene Asterion thinks "He thinks back to that velvety night, just before playing the lyre in the lounge, and the hug they shared." MC prayed with Asterion but there was no hug.

Is this a bug in a sense that I should not be able to reach the romance route this way, or just overlooked dialog? 


It's not a bug. This is actually because of a very simple reason: we prioritized the romantic and ruthless routes, which was necessary given how much content we were trying to pack in.

This left us in a dilemma. We could either make it so the "neutral" route ended prematurely or we could make it branch back into the romantic route. None of those is ideal but, for now, we made it branch back into the romance because we thought less people would be confused with that option.

Someday we'll get back to the neutral route and give it a proper treatment.


That makes sense, thank you.

I actually kinda like the idea of the naive MC sobering up to the reality of their actions and getting some redemption from it.