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[UNPAID/ROYALTY] [Art] LF Concept artist

A topic by RealApo created Sep 16, 2021 Views: 669 Replies: 15
Viewing posts 1 to 11
(2 edits) (+2)

We are a small group of 4 people which has started developing a dark fantasy RPG’s demo in Unreal Engine. We actually need a concept artist who will be able to draw the main concepts of the game.

We don’t require lot of experience but we think it’s important never stop willing to learn and being determined. For these reasons, if you don’t have any spare time to spend or you think you could easily lose your determination, please don’t contact us.

Examples of styles needed:

Example 1

Example 2

Example 3

Example 4

Our buisness plan is to start crowdfunding after the complete game release and give royalties to all the developers. Since then, we can not pay anyone, even after the demo release. If you are interested, contact me or write here below.

Discord: RealApo#9010

Have any pics to share with the community? 

Not at the moment ;) (...if we had some pics we would have no need of a concept artist xD)

Hmm you still likely need some original ideas or something. Gaming and development is about creating a simulation or the world or your version of the world you want to live in or adventure in. At very least, you should have some reference art for the artist. 

As I said, I can not share pics. I just need someone that wants to join our team and draw things we currently need. The genre, as I said, is dark fantasy. If someone would be interested, I can give him more details in private.

Going off of what the last poster said, I recommend googling: "concept art mood board".
You can collect images that inspire your game and make a collage for a good idea of what you want.

I'll try to find something! Thanks

Updated with style references.




Have you already started social media accounts which are updated regularly? Also, do you have a whitebox of the gameplay? Have you started on any programming?


I'm working with the level designer for placing blockouts, but we don't currently have all the world idea.

We've also started programming, ofc, but we don't have a social media yet.

Still looking for someone? If so I’d be glad send a portfolio through discord!

Of course! Send me a friend request!

im willing, my schedule right now is pretty open so just send me something and i can try and pop something out for you
my twitter has some of my stuff and i have more elsewhere if you want to look
i dont really need money right now just trying to get noticed