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Problem with launching game

A topic by Providing created Nov 21, 2017 Views: 1,447 Replies: 13
Viewing posts 1 to 9
(1 edit)

After launching the game, this start menu is showing:

Howerver, whatever is typed on the text box, the "Done!" button become greyed and  the Cancel button don't do anything.

Moreover, there are another menu, overlapped by the fist, with "Game", "Play", "Delete" and "Create a new game state" buttons that can't be used.

Does anyone know how to solve this problem ?

Thak you kindly for your help.


Hi Providing,

Along time, Nekomew's Potty Trouble will receive some updates in order to improve the game. I'll work hard on finding a fix for this issue. I'm so sorry you got that bug.

Thank you.

Hola!,Porque se me buguea al prinsipio al iniciar el juego?? Ayuda porfavor!


Hola Manuelchu,

Lamento que estés teniendo esos problemas. ¿Podrías aportarme información al respecto?

  • Capturas de pantalla del problema.
  • Información sobre tu máquina (sistema operativo, permisos de administrador, componentes como el modelo de la tarjeta gráfica...)

Cuantos más datos mejor, así podré investigar de dónde proviene el problema.


Deleted 6 years ago

Hola pikewin,

Vengo a informarte que tengo buenas y malas noticias, las buenas son que desinstale el juego porque sabia que como RAR expiro su version  de prueba y sabia que eso me pasaba con cualquier juego asi que las malas son que mi computadora es  HP y que accidentalmente le borre el HP+ ahora ya no puede guardar imagenes, videos, musica, juegos, etc, tampoco puede actualizar el sistema y es mas lenta no se que hacer 

(1 edit)

To update regarding this bug, I make a screenshot of the problem:

It look like the three menu are merged into one.

Regarding system informations:

OS: Windows 10 Pro 64 bits

Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-6500 CPU @ 3.20GHz 3.20GHz

Graphic card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960

Administrator permissions: the program was run with both admin and user authorisations


Check your documents folder and look for the following folder:


If you find It remove it (the game data will be Lost)

Let me know if It works please. Thanks.

Removing the folder does not  work: the folder is recreated each time the game is launched.

Additionnaly, the problem persist when deleting the folder AppData\LocalLow\PikewinGames

tengo un problema, intento abrirlo con rar pero me aparece una pantalla rosada y no puedo jugar tranquilamente, no es que sea malo pero decidí usar la demo porque no quiero pagar así que lo siento si no descargue la de paga


Hola legendary,

¿Qué quieres decir con "abrirlo con rar"? Una vez extraído el juego deberías poder ejecutarlo con normalidad. ¿Podrías proporcionar alguna imagen de lo ocurrido?


A last update regarding this problem: the steam version work fine.

However, the standalone version is still merged, even if the screen is different:


Hi providing!

Then, works fine in Steam? Looks like the changes I did fixed It!

I Will update the builds. Thanks for the info!

me  this game The problem is when I try to open it and it simply doesn't load and it closes  please fix it and please put a discount, not very big but 60 percent bye


Hi abrham, the game is no longer available to be purchased through itch io. Please visit to find it in Steam.

Deleted 1 year ago
Deleted 1 year ago