Modern Animals (Paleo Critters are in the next post)
- aardvark
- aardwolf
- adax
- african tree toad
- african wild dog
- albatross
- alligator
- alligator gar
- alpaca
- amazon river dolphin
- anaconda
- angel shark
- anglerfish
- angora goat
- ant
- antarctic scale worm
- anteater
- antelope
- aphid
- arctic fox
- Arctic Hare
- Arctic Wolf
- armadillo
- asian giant hornet
- asiatic black bear
- axolotl
- aye aye
- babirusa
- baboon
- badger
- bald eagle
- ball python
- banana spider
- bandicoot
- banjo catfish
- barn swallow
- barracuda
- basking shark
- bat
- bat-eared fox
- bear
- bearded dragon
- beaver
- bee
- beetle
- Beluga Sturgeon
- beluga whale
- betta fish
- bichir
- big-eared bat
- Bighorn Sheep
- Bilby
- binturong
- Bird Of Paradise
- bison
- black bear
- black Mamba
- black rain frog
- black widow
- Blister Beetle
- blue crab
- Blue Jay
- blue shark
- blue whale
- Blue-Ringed Octopus
- boa constrictor
- boar
- Bobcat
- boll weevil
- Bongo
- bonnethead shark
- bonobo
- booby
- boston terrier
- Bowhead Whale
- box turtle
- brazillian horned frog
- Brown Bear
- Brown Hyena
- buffalo
- bull
- Bull Shark
- bulldog
- bullet ant
- Bullfrog
- Bullmastiff
- bumble bee
- Burmese Python
- Burrowing Frog
- Bush Baby
- butterfly
- butterfly fish
- Caiman
- Caiman Lizard
- camel
- Canada Lynx
- canary
- Cape Lion
- capybara
- Caracal
- Caribou
- Carolina Parakeet
- carpenter ant
- carpenter bee
- Cashmere Goat
- cassowary
- cat
- Caterpillar
- catfish
- centipede
- chameleon
- Chamois
- cheetah
- Chicken
- chihuahua
- Chimaera
- chimapnzee
- chinchilla
- Chinese Geese
- Chinese Paddlefish
- chipmunk
- cicada
- civet
- Clouded Leopard
- Coati
- cobra
- Cockatoo
- cockroach
- Collared Peccary
- Colossal Squid
- coral snake
- Cotton-top Tamarin
- cougar
- cow
- coyote
- crab
- Crane
- crayfish
- cricket
- crocodile
- crow
- Cuscus
- Cuttlefish
- daddy long legs
- dalmation
- Darwin’s Frog
- deer
- desert rain frog
- dhole
- Diane's bare-hearted glass frog
- digger bee
- Dik-Dik
- dingo
- dobermann
- dobsonfly
- Dodo
- dog
- Dolphin
- donkey
- Dormouse
- Dragonfish
- dragonfly
- dromedary
- duck
- dugong
- Dusky Dolphin
- Eagle
- earwig
- eastern copperhead
- eel
- egret
- electric blue gecko
- electric eel
- elephant
- Elephant Seal
- Elephant Shrew
- eleuth
- elk
- Emperor Tamarin
- Emu
- Ermine
- ewe
- falcon
- fennec fox
- ferret
- fin whale
- finch
- fire ant
- firefly
- fish
- fishing cat
- flamingo
- flea
- fly
- flying fox
- flying frog
- flying lizard
- fossa
- fox
- frog
- garter snake
- gazelle
- gecko
- german shepherd
- gharial
- gibbon
- gila monster
- giraffe
- gnu
- goat
- goblin shark
- golden retriever
- golden tamarin
- goldfish
- gopher
- gorilla
- grasshopper
- great dane
- great white shark
- Green lacewing
- greyhound
- grizzly bear
- ground hog
- guinea pig
- hammerhead bat
- hammerhead shark
- hamster
- harlequin toad
- hedgehog
- heron
- hippopotamus
- hog
- honduran white bat
- honey bee
- horned toad
- horse
- hummingbird
- humpback whale
- husky
- hyena
- ibex
- ibis
- iguana
- impala
- indian bull frog
- indri
- jackal
- jaguar
- jellyfish
- jerboa
- Jumping Spider
- kakapo
- kangaroo
- killer whale
- koala
- komodo dragon
- ladybug
- lamb
- leaf-bug
- lemur
- leopard
- leopard gecko
- leopard shark
- lion
- lion fish
- lizard
- llama
- lobster
- louse
- lynx
- macaw
- mako shark
- manatee
- mandrill
- mantis
- markhor
- marlin
- marmoset
- meerkat
- millipede
- mink
- mole
- mole cricket
- mongoose
- monkey
- moose
- moray eel
- mosquito
- mossy frog
- moth
- mountain goat
- mouse
- mule
- muskrat
- mustang
- mynah bird
- narwhal
- new world leaf-nosed bat
- newt
- nile monitor lizard
- Nosy Hara leaf chameleon
- numbat
- ocelot
- octopus
- okapi
- opossum
- orangutan
- orb weaver
- orchid bee
- ornate horned frog
- oryx
- ostrich
- otter
- owl
- ox
- paedophryne amauensis
- panda
- pangolin
- panther
- parakeet
- parrot
- peacock
- pelican
- penguin
- pied butterfly bat
- pig
- pigeon
- pistol shrimp
- platypus
- plumed basilisk
- poison dart frog
- polar bear
- pomeranian
- poodle
- porcupine
- porpoise
- prairie dog
- proboscis monkey
- pug
- puma
- purple frog
- quokka
- rabbit
- raccoon
- ram
- rat
- rattlesnake
- raven
- red fox
- red panda
- reindeer
- rhinoceros
- river dolphin
- rottweiler
- salamander
- Salmon
- saola
- sawshark
- scaly-foot snail
- scorpion
- sea otter
- sea snake
- sea turtle
- seahorse
- seal
- secretary bird
- shark
- sheep
- shoebill
- shrew
- silver fox
- skink
- skunk
- sloth
- sloth bear
- slug
- snail
- snake
- snapping turtle
- spectacled bear
- sperm whale
- spider
- squash bee
- squid
- squirrel
- st. Bernard
- stag beetle
- stalk-eyed fly
- starfish
- stick bug
- sun bear
- sun spider
- sunfish
- swordfish
- tapir
- tarantula
- tarsier
- tegu lizard
- termite
- thresher shark
- thrips
- tiger
- tiger shark
- toad
- tortoise
- turtle
- uakari
- umbrellabird
- vampire bat
- viper
- vulture
- walrus
- warthog
- wasp
- water buffalo
- water moccasin
- waxy monkey frog
- weasel
- whale
- wildcat
- wildebeest
- wolf
- wolf spider
- wolverine
- wombat
- woodchuck
- yak
- zebra
- Fire salamander
- False Killer Whale
- Fangtooth
- Fire-Bellied Toad
- Flying Fish
- Flying Lemur
- Flying Squirrel
- Frigatebird
- Frilled Lizard
- Frilled Shark
- Frogfish
- Sugarglider