An adult furry adventure game · By Caro
So i've just passed the work week in the underground and accidently without knowing gathered 96 corruption but the game automatically ends if you get to 100. Can i somehow decrease it without having to restart the entire work week?
Go to the temple in the mountain and drink the water... the water can decrease COR (100 point only once)
what dose the good ending in the 5 th part of the war look like and is the bad ending when thane is to busy to talk to the player
how to increase COR?
Submit to ghosts and slimes. if you want to enter the underground you need 25 corruption.
(SPOILER) when you get to the underground and start the work week you can work at the brothel which also increases your corruption
thx :>
Thane is always busy to talk after the war what can I do?