I suspect the nature of "paralogical" behavior is left vague so as to let GMs fill in their own ideas, but I think I could use some ideas on how to depict Administrators, The Board, and other such entities.
I have one idea for Admins who are acting on conflicting imperatives toward Users: The Users were uploaded for a purpose the Administration knows about, but they must also respect User autonomy, so they can't force Users onto their forgotten mission. They also have a social algorithm that rewards "driving User engagement" with Memory in the form of XP, Rep and Coin under certain circumstances, but at the same time, seeks to preserve "order" also marking disruptive crews with Heat. In the case of my particular setting, they've resolved the conflict by prioritizing User happiness, letting them enjoy themselves until the world crashes around them. Some of The Family wants to prepare the Users for leaving the system by stirring up conflict and hardening them, hence Daemon's bargains, if only to rid of the Users, not caring if they succeed or fail.
I haven't made any decisions about how The Board fits in, but I'm open to ideas.