FUCK · By Madner cumabat (real), jordan
And I'm talking to you Linn. He said he wouldn't do any stupid shit, he only said he'd look at the topics from time to time and that's all, there is no reason to ban him. Even if he's your enemy still. Don't ban him.
hji naohs
fem boi mouse
Femboy mouse person
why a mouse out of all things?
bc the ears ar cute
become online
shut up
stece part 2
well i gtg lol
gay homo balls
How am i an asshole
gay homo ba
I banned him. Hope your happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I honestly really hate you.
Good for you.
Piss off cunt.
Tf is that kind of insult?
Its a figure of speech you insignificant fuck.
Mad lol.
Yeah well of course I'm mad ethan fucking returned. So much for getting off for "2 years"
That's what I said he said he will leave for 2 years yet only left for a whole 9 days smh.
Exactly he fucking lied by a longggg shot. He hadn't even left for 2 weeks only just one.
zeode isn’t as hot as SureMotor1208
false, Renji is not as hot as SureMotor1208
okay I lied
happy birdle daddle doodle loodle toodle