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Squid Game: The Game

45.6 Billion Won is Child's Play · By shawcat


A topic by crispperr created Oct 23, 2021 Views: 1,692 Replies: 12
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Virustotal scan. I wouldn't download this on my PC.


1/58. are you stupid?


Ok? Is ad-ware not alarming to you? Stop shilling bud


no. because it isnt you fucking dope. its called a false positive. learn what you are talking about before you open your mouth


braindead lol what're you, 14? get lost bud


keep talking shit bruh at least I'm not the idiot getting my panties in a twist over a false positive. go blow ya dad, or is he not around anymore?


you wouldn't say that shit to my face fatty. stop mouth breathing in the comments bro shit is annoying. can't tell if you're a boomer or were born in 2007 LMFAO


tf you talking about kid? im not the one bitching about a false positive. shut your dumbass up


Let him be he doesnt deserve to enjoy this game! Some people should only buy games! They dont  understand nor do they want to understand what false positives are, They think virus total is telling them the truth and probably think that we are just trying to trick them into getting their pc infected. So on that note.............................................................................. Oh look WOW! Turns out My computer IS INFECTED!!! All from the squid game!  Yeah don't play it! He shouldn't play it! VirusTotal is the best! TY for letting us know crispperr.   LOL!!!

Deleted 163 days ago

It's ok buddy! I run 4 different malware, antivirus, ad-ware, and malisious code and this game has none of them!


kids find out about virustotal and think they are these smart tech people

im 5

your totally a 3 year old, believing in false positives