An issue I've often encountered is I see a game I'm somewhat interested in but it's priced a bit more than I'm willing to take a chance on paying for, then I see it's in a bundle but it's a bundle containing like 20 games for $200, so I pass and move on. This recently happened to me, until I saw the game from the large bundle was ALSO in a separate bundle with only two games, both of which I was interested in. This second smaller bundle wasn't displayed on the first game's page, and I would not have even known about it if I hadn't taken the time to jump around the other games from the developer hosting the bundle.
I'd like to see some sort of option to either search for all bundles containing a game, or possibly just a little button below the displayed bundle on a game's page that says "Included in X additional bundles" that takes you to a page showing any other bundles it is in.