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Moral Dilemma

A topic by Daniel Farrow created Oct 31, 2021 Views: 193 Replies: 2
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Hi Folks,

Me and my friend have spent the last week working on a project for the Spooktober Game Jam 2021. Unfortunately we missed the deadline by literally a minute because the packaging took longer than we anticipated so I thought I would post here to try and get some feedback. There were only two of us and we didn’t end up adding all of the features we planned however, we plan to create a more stable build in the coming months so if you are interested please drop me a follow! 

Moral Dilemma is a game about choice. A nearby castle is under siege and the villagers need your help. Will you sacrifice your power and equipment to save them or will you murder them all and discover who is behind this siege yourself and murder them too. The choice is in your hands….

Unfortunately I have no images or gameplay trailers to link currently 


Sounds good, but don't you have a proper screenshot for your post like the rules say?

unfortunately not, I will take one later and update the post