SlashDude sent me here. Why'd you send me here?
basically ari is in a bunch of relationships with random people on this website and ari dated someone named Alex and then someone called noah exposed ari of having a bunch of relationships and ari lied that noah was lying then ari got exposed for lying and stuff. Alex broke up with ari and ari just being kind of a shitty person in general
SO basically, This one person by the name of ari makes a post about he feels like he cant comfort someone and how hes not comfortable with that. Then I Say “ i dont like you because you messed with alex. Im not even making a joke. I honestly thought that you were a decent person but after what you did with alex i despise you.” For context, ALex and ari were dating but after i think noah came out and said that ari was dating 776575475127435 billion more people to alex. Of course this didnt end well. they broke up.