Dawn of the Tyrant (PC & Mac)
Dawn of the Tyrant is a revolutionary chapter-based RPG that places the fate of an entire planet and the course of the unfolding storyline firmly into the hands of the players.
Discover a dark, chaotic world on the precipice of imminent destruction and take part in sculpting its fate in a game where the choices and actions of each and every player contribute to the outcome of this epic duel of wills.
When you and your faction participate in World Quests, you are writing the future. The story of each chapter in the series will be curated based on the outcome of these massive shared objectives.
What you choose and what you do truly matters – it could be enough to alter the fate of a dying world. So rise to the challenge and fight, before the raging fire consumes us all.
Game screenshot (Alpha)
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Hi, and thank you for coming by to have a look at our in-development title, Dawn of the Tyrant. We’re very new to Itch.io and are finding it a fantastic place for many game developers, including us, and we're really excited to be taking the first step in bringing our forthcoming game to the platform. We’ll be sharing regular dev progress updates on this thread and eagerly look forward to hearing what you think of our project.
Concept Artwork – Credit: Tugsbayar Jamts
A little history… and where we are now
The Dawn of the Tyrant project has been rather a labour of love for quite a few years now. It has undergone an evolution from early dabbling in the Unity game engine, to a hobby project, to a serious project with financial investment plus a lot of hours of hard work by us and a number of others who’ve contributed along the way.
We exhibited a playable alpha at PAX Australia in Melbourne some time ago, and that gave us two useful perspectives. One: that we had an audience who were genuinely interested in what we were doing; and Two: that we still had quite a lot of work to do before we would by ready to release the first Chapter. So, that’s what we’ve been working on ever since.
We now have a solid foundation for the game: both in the feature-rich game client, and a completely rebuilt server that is capable of powering the social interactions behind World Quests – our biggest, and most defining feature. Much of the work that will come next is about region design and content creation. We're getting closer and we're expecting 2018 to be a big one for us.
Game screenshot (Alpha)
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If you have any comments or questions about the game, we'd love for you to get in touch with us in the thread below.
- If you're keen to know more, read up on the game and the core features on our Itch.io page – https://six-times-nothing.itch.io/dawn-of-the-tyrant
- We’ve also just launched a brand new website – https://dawnofthetyrant.com
- You can follow us on Twitter to keep up with all the latest.
- Check out our Flickr page for some of the stunning concept artwork behind the game.
- Or even have a listen to some of the soundtrack over on Soundcloud.
Thanks again for checking us out!
– Sándor & Anj
Concept Artwork – Credit: Tugsbayar Jamts