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A topic by yagaa created Nov 21, 2021 Views: 569
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Developer (79 edits)

Version 0.0.1 - 14.10.21
Created the first iteration of the generator

Version 0.0.2 - 18.10.21
Various improvements upon the first iteration and finalized the feel of the UI
-This is the first public release of the generator

Version 0.0.3 - 30.11.21

-Added the bow weapon class
-Added the Splat Bow (placeholder name and image)
-Added the Kelp brand
-Added a variation of the Zink logo from Splatoon 1 (there you go zimmy fans)

-Replaced all of the Splatoon 3 special weapon images with custom art except for the Crab Tank (placeholder, will change after Splatoon 3 gets released)
-Changed the default maximum points needed for special in the randomizer from 300 to 230
-Scrollbar scroll value is now saved when closing the brands list
-A bunch of tweaks to the UI

Bug Fixes:
-Fixed a bug where the main weapon image would disappear after clicking Load Custom Main Image
-Fixed a typo that caused selecting the Dualie Squalchers make the main weapon image disappear (sorry dualie dualies fans)

-Cleaned up the project file a bunch, getting it ready for github

Version 0.0.4 - 20.01.22

-Added special depletion
-Added the Krak-On and Tentatek brand variants from Splatoon 1
-Added the Splatoon 1 kit style
-Added main weapon styles to the Create Menu
-Added Splatoon 1 main and sub weapon designs as well as all other main weapon designs (Kensa, Neo, Custom etc.)
-Labeled the drop down lists in the Create Menu
-Added a Randomizer Options Panel to the Randomize Menu (change Kit Style, randomize Points for Special, Special Depletion, Brand, what game's Mains, Specials and Subs to randomize and input specific weapon names to stop randomization in that slot (use a semicolon to input multiple!))
-Added the option to save a kit with a transparent background

-Replaced the special weapon image for the Crab Tank with custom art (placeholder, will change after Splatoon 3 gets released)
-Changed the colors of Zipcaster and Big Bubbler to make them look less like Splatoon 2 specials
-Renamed the Turn Off Background toggles to Transparent Background
-Renamed the Brand selection menu to Other
-More scrollbars now save the scroll value after being closed
-Killer Wail 5.1 is now the first special in the list of Splatoon 3 specials
-Further tweaks to the UI

Bug Fixes:
-Typing into input fields in the browser version should now make sounds again

Version 0.0.4a -11.02.22

Bug Fixes:
-Fixed custom main weapon images not showing up in the final kit

Version 0.0.5 - 31.04.22

-Added the Triple Ink Strike and Ink Vac specials to the Create Menu and the Randomizer
-Added the Splatoon 3 kit style (Placeholder, will change after Splatoon 3 comes out)
-Added the new point sensor to the Create Menu and the Randomizer
-Added placeholder Splatoon 3 designs for most sub weapons (sorry seeker fans)
-Added a toggle in the Create Menu to enable previous placeholder designs for Splatoon 3 specials

-Updated the main, sub, and special randomization lists for Splatoon 3
-If there is no value in the Points For Special field in the Create Menu then there will no longer be a single lonely letter "p" in the final kit
-Changed the name of the Splat Bow to Tri-Stringer
-Changed the name of the Bow class to Stringer
-Removed Tenta Missiles from the Splatoon 3 specials list
-Updated the images for Inkstrike, Zipcaster, Trizooka, and Killer Wail 5.1

Version 0.0.5a - 24.05.22

-Updated the main randomization list for Splatoon 3
-Updated the main randomization list for Splatoon 2
-Added an option to automatically fill in the main weapon name field in the Create Menu if no weapon name was inputted
-Begrudgingly changed the name of Point Marker to Angle Shooter
-Updated the character art in the Main Menu

Bug Fixes:
-Fixed Nautilus's 76 variant not showing up in the Create Menu
-Adjusted brand image alignment and scale in the Splatoon 3 kit style
-Adjusted the margins of the name field in the Splatoon 3 kit style

Version 0.0.6 - 12.08.22

-Added the Splatana weapon class
-Added the Splatana Wiper and Splatana Stamper
-Added unused Splatoon 2 renders of the Dual Squelcher
-Added full color variants of Splatoon 3 sub images
-Added the official Splatoon 3 kit style (the old one is still available as Yaga's Splatoon 3 Kit Style)
-Added a light theme
-Added the Tacticooler, Wave Breaker and Inkslider specials
-Added Splatoon 3 designs of Ink Storm, Booyah Bomb, Inkjet, Ultra Stamp and Tenta Missile specials
-Added a toggle to enable silhouette versions of Splatoon 3 sub weapon images

-Re added Tenta Missiles to the Splatoon 3 specials list
-Updated the image for Big Bubbler and Triple Inkstrike
-Updated the images of several Splatoon 3 sub weapon designs (Suction Bomb, Fizzy Bomb, Torpedo, Auto Bomb, Curling Bomb, Sprinkler, Burst Bomb)
-Updated the main, sub and special randomization lists for Splatoon 3

Version 0.0.6a - 18.08.22

-Added Splatoon 3 2D styles for Splattershot, Blaster, Splat Roller, Inkbrush, Splat Charger, Heavy Splatling, Slosher, Splat Dualies, Splat Brella, Tri-Stringer and Splatana Wiper (11 weapons total)

-Updated the image for Autobomb

Bug Fixes:
-Fixed text alignment of the main weapon name in the Splatoon 3 kit style

Version 0.0.7 - 25.08.2022

-Added the Barazushi and Emberz brands
-Added Splatoon 3 styles for all of the base main weapons
-Added Splatoon 3 2D styles for all of the base main weapons
-Added point sensor to the list of Splatoon 3 subs (why. why is this still in the game. angle shooter is right there)

-Updated the icons for all of the Splatoon 3 sub and special weapons
-Replaced the 3D icons for Tri-Stringer, Splatana Wiper and Splatana Stamper
-From now on the Splatoon 3 kit style as well as main, sub and special weapon icons will be the default in the Kit Creator and Kit Randomizer
-Updated the sub and special randomization lists for Splatoon 3

Version 0.0.8 - 30.09.2022

-Added the Splatoon 3 Heroshot
-Added the Amiibo brand
-Added custom sub and special creators to the Create Menu
-Added the REEF-LUX 450
-Added the new Grizzco weapon images
-Added Little Buddy to the list of Splatoon 3 subs
-Added Splashdown to the list of Splatoon 3 specials
-Added an option to enable borders (check them out they're cool)

-Updated the UI visuals
-Updated Splatoon 3 sub and special images

Version 0.0.8a - 07.10.2022

-Replaced all 3D Splatoon 3 weapon images with higher resolution versions
-Updated the About section
-Updated the WebGL template (credits to seanleblanc!)

-Fixed a flickering effect that would occur after changing a weapon's style in the Kit Creator
-Fixed the main image being the wrong size and duplicated in all kit styles except Splatoon 3

-Working on adding support for mobile

Version 0.0.9 - 10.12.2022

-Added the 3 new Chill Season weapons (Big Swig Roller, Snipewriter 5H, Splattershot NOVA)
-Added the 10 new Chill Season main weapon styles (Zink Mini Splatling, Tentatek Splattershot etc.)
-Added new weapon brands
-Added custom brand creator
-Added brand icons previews to the list of brands in the Kit Creator

-Changed the names for some brands

-Fixed the size of Main Name box to avoid text overflowing onto the image

Version 0.0.10 - 13.03.2023

-Added fresh season main weapon variants (12 in total)
-Added a watermark feature to the Kit Creator
-Added the Z+F brand
-Added a dedicated options menu
-Added 2 more background options
-Added the Super Chump and Kraken Royale specials

-Increased the character limit for main weapon names in the kit creator
-Updated the sprites for Sploosh-o-matic, Splash-o-matic and Rapid Blaster
-Transparent backgrounds no longer turn off after leaving the kit viewer menu
-Changed the min pfs in the Kit Randomizer to 160p

-Changed the name of the Dolphin Fresh brand to Dolphin New
-Now the max pfs in the Kit Randomizer should actually be 230p

Version 0.0.11 - 07.06.2023

-Added the 2 new Sizzle Season weapons (S-BLAST '92, Painbrush)
-Added fresh season main weapon variants (9 in total)
-Added the Express bran

-Changed the 2D sprite for the Rapid Blaster Pro
-Restored the Dolphin New brand

-Project rewrite
-Create a website for the kit generator as well as other "maker" projects
-Add more randomization options to the randomizer (Select specific brands to randomize from etc)
-Add an option to save, load and view kits (browser and desktop)
-Create a mobile native as well as a browser version of the generator
-Create a GitHub repository for the project
-More accessibility features (Adjust text size, color contrast etc)
-Improve UI functionality and aesthetics

Features worth considering
-Create a unique ost for the generator
-Better resolution images for Splatoon 1