Signature powers are a mechanic I am both very excited about and something I know still needs a lot of work. Later versions of The Bleeding will definitely have more comprehensive sections for each. In the meantime, I'm super interested in knowing which ones stick out to folks so far. Longer descriptions in the text, but here's a summary for reference.
- Bloodsmithy - crafting out of blood
- Calamity - natural and supernatural disasters
- Constellation - power of the stars and the night
- Cuisine - magical cooking, modern potionmaking
- Dreamwalking - real Nightmare on Elm Street business
- Forensics - vampiric superscience
- Illusion - as advertised
- Monstrosity - summoning and turning into monsters
- Necromancy - commune with and/or control the dead
- Passion - magically emotional empath
- Pastoralism - live off the land, be a shepherd of the flock
- Plague - pestilence and disease at your command
- Technology - science fiction superpowers
- Tessellation - casually dismiss the laws of geometry and physics
What are you most interested in trying out first? Which one are you most looking forward to seeing development on?