I'm not going into a big yakking this time, bugs happen no matter how hard one tries :( . Here goes a tiny hot-fix update (1.1.1), to have a clean start for the new year...
- On the treasury menu screen (when playing in treasury mode and picking up an item) the keyboard based selection (enter/space) was broken by the mouse update and items could only be selected with the mouse. Now it is back to normal again.

- Multi-monitor setups had problems with broderless full-screen modes. I tested this fix on various GPU-s and multiple monitor setups, but I was limited a bit by hardware variety. Hopefully this works properly now!
I got some reports about other minor issues too, but due to the holidays (visiting family, spending time with friends etc...) I had no time to fix them all yet and I really had no time to add new content to the game. I'll fix these problems early next year and I'll do my best to make the world of I Am Overburdened even more lively and crazy :) !
I would like to wish a happy new year to all of you and to your friends and families.
Have fun in the dungeons, see you soon ;) !!!