Post your opinions and suggestions about the game here! Can also be used as a public review page.
If there was one thing I'd sugest, as of now, I'd change the wording of the spells that say "On this floor" to someting else, becuase it gives the idea, at least to me, that the spell effect will be maintained untill you access the next floor up/down, even though the spells only seam to last for a short while.
ok, after playing for a good while longer, I can say that you’re right, they do last the whole floor, my bad.
I’ll change my suggestion then to ask to add a colored tooltip to indicate what has been effected by the Stat Boost Spells and how. Something like “Strength 12 (17)” to indicate the boost.
Again, sorry for the mixup, you where right!
Wait, they already are?! Ok, definitely didn’t notice that! I’ve been relying on wether or not the health bar changes or I’m suddenly not encumbered anymore! Oops!
Yeah, definitely would love to have those colored in! Though it might just be me at this rate, I seem to be even more blind than a player without lamp oil!