For the new year the team decided to explore various idea and game concept we had. So every member of the team got the opportunity to submit a game that we could do in about a week of development.
So this is how the "Happy new year 2018 Phaethon Games prototypes series" started.
We had lots of very different ideas to propose so you are going to have lots of game concept to test in the weeks to come ;)
The first of the series is Rayzoo and the idea came from Exopole, our traditional lead developer and martial art expert (the ninja guy).
With this project we've tried to bring simple game mechanics to life, fun and easy to play. It's a scoring board game where you play against real people or AI (offline or online).
It's distribute on itch.io (https://phaethongames.itch.io/rayzoo) in it's demo version and each purchase will help us continue working on great games (and support itch.io as well!)
We give free keys to everyone who just ask us on any of our social media. (A share or a like also means the world to us. )
You’ve played it and you wanna help ? we’ve got a few questions for you: https://goo.gl/forms/zXGZSHqtW4PlC3ym1
Feel free to share and comment, and to support your favorite project that will be fully developed. (starting next month)