This might be a bit niche, but while the option to double-click the headings for the filters to collapse/expand them is very useful, the default behaviour is to have them all expanded _AND_ to have Folders fully expanded (so subfolders as well). I'm using Folders and Subfolders heavily (sometimes 2 deep, i.e. Folder -> Subfolder -> Subfolder ) as I'm using DeepDwn for work and personal organisation.
What this essentially means is that when I start DeepDwn, I have a fully expanded list of folders and need to collapse them all in order to have my preferred view, which is just the "top level" of folders and no expanded subfolders until I need them.
More flexibility over the default behaviour would be great. Alternatively, being able to save a particular layout (e.g. "tags collapsed entirely, Categories expanded, Folders expanded but subfolders collapsed) as a 'view' (that could be made as default?) would be brilliant, but I realise that's a much bigger ask.
I think part of my problem is that DeepDwn is so good I want to use it for all of my stuff, and the fact that everything is essentially one workspace/project means it can get cluttered quite quickly.