I've just released another update for I Am Overburdened.
It is now at 1.1.4. and received quite a few enhancements since the first major update ;) .
Latest additions
- Elite variant
I don't consider this a new difficulty as it is a variant working on both levels, but if someone finds nightmare too easy :P or too painful :( with normal not being a challenge any longer it can spice them up ;) .
- Ease-of-use
The most requested UI enhancement was inventory screen access through the in-game inventory bar. Plenty other UI and mouse control enhancement found their way into the game (e.g.: the handling of speech bubble fade-out effects are not instantaneous when using the mouse).
- Effects beef-up
Both the battle effects and the level entry (player spawn) got a little more love. The later one especially got many complaints. Hopefully from now on the player will be instantly recognizable when reaching a new dungeon level.
- Fixes & fine-tuning
There were some annoying problems which were fixed with this build. Rendering and input handling works correctly when the application is not in focus and there was a more serious item skill problem too (dodge wasn't canceling some penalties & de-buffs even though at the end not suffering the hit causing them) which is history now :) !
The future
As always I have quite a few plans for the future! I would like to add more variants (like the Elite or the Treasury) in the near future and I started working on the next big update: Saving. Don't worry no save scamming, this is a roguelike after all :D . This feature would only allow you to suspend and close the game any time and be able to continue later on where you left off.
Sadly I don't have the capital to pay for professional localization yet, but who knows, the game is sold on a special promotional price for a week and it may turn out well, fingers crossed ;) !
Good luck and have fun in the dungeons ;) .
Stay tuned!