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Parkous-fps, Milk-Induced action shooter · By Dani

Idea For Karlson

A topic by Zackievdoggo09 created Jan 23, 2022 Views: 641 Replies: 4
Viewing posts 1 to 5

Can u put pls Karlson 3D on Android I don't have cash to buy a computer all my video on YouTube suck pls add Karlson 3D on Google Play Store Pls


deez nujts

You can add a boss who have a shield that can only be destroyed by explosives and can only be damaged when the shield is broken ( and the shield can regenerate )

Deleted 95 days ago
Deleted 2 years ago

my name?

Its just a demo, not the final game so he wont keep work on the demo but maybe he will release the final game for mobile.