In the world of "Genesis Island", dinosaurs are being created with the purpose to attract visitor to the park. Two young raptor escaped from there containment area and explore the island in which they were created on. This take place before the park construction is complete and the raptors are on a different island for raising dinosaurs. The dinosaurs that are in this game are "newly discovered dinosaurs" from the near perfectly preserved Dino DNA the geneticist used to create them.
You can play the small tech demo.
Started animating one of the main raptors.
Jurassic Park inspired me to create my Dino own story. I love Jurassic Park since I was a child and Jurassic World.
I want to share what I have been up to. After Releasing "BugBots" I started prototyping this game. Now I am creating the art and animation for this game. This image is some of the art that's going to be in game.