how long is this game, is it till the end or is it just cut short halfway through?
Relive the first few hours of the PS4 classic, rebuilt with PS1 aesthetics! · By
yes but does the demake cover the entirety of the normal game? even if some sections and quests are cut? also does this game come as a ps1 game file, meaning i need emulators or is that just the style, so i can run it normally? and does it support dualshock 4 or xbox 360 controllers?
im just curious because i always wanted bloodborne and now im hearing theres a demake so i am incredibly excited
It says in the description something along the lines of "play the 'first few hours' of bloodborne in a ps1 style" or something, so no, its just a few hours of bloodborne.And no, the game doesn't require emulators since it is not a ps1 file.You can play it normally by just extracting it then clicking on the BBPSX icon.And also, this game is very commiting to the ps1 style, to the point where it has to be played without these 360 sticks on controllers i forgot the name of, so it literally feels like a ps1 game on gamepad.(The keyboard version is horrible i do not recommend this on keyboard)