Hi, I’ve recently started using the addon (with Godot export), and I noticed some things that might be improved.
I’m using Godot 3.x latest
The exported resources (.tres
) seem to have an incorrect load_steps
Example (corrected by Godot to be load_steps=3
[gd_resource type="Resource" load_steps=2 format=2]
[ext_resource path="res://gridlessDB_data/spifu_state/classes/Roaming.gd" type="Script" id=1]
[ext_resource path="res://gridlessDB_data/constants/objects/Normal.tres" type="Resource" id=2]
script = ExtResource( 1 )
animation = "jump"
speed = ExtResource( 2 )
disturbable = 1
incapacitated = 0
lurking = 1
No deal breakers, but will be things neater, will make feel nicer:
Allow to export without “class_name”
It’s very inconvenient to have the class name space “polluted” unnecessarily (since Godot has no namespaces).
I use this very often, for type safety (and autocomplete) without registering a class:
const Weapon = preload("res://gridlessDB_data/weapons/classes/Weapon.gd")
Allow adding comments/description to fields schema
Sometimes you need an explanation in addition to a descriptive name (could have a “i” info icon or something to display the comments as a tooltip)
VCS friendly database format
As it is, with binary format, its very difficult to have different people to work on the same database. With a text format, we could merge changes. It could be a setting for the DB, or perhaps just allow export/import from/to json or other format (though less convenient). I realize that image fields would cause issues (perhaps they could be serialized to some text format, if they are actually in the data).