Whether it be MMD, other 3D art, drawing or constructing, where do you draw inspiration from for your pieces?
Rebirth is a free, digital magazine featuring some of the best artwork MikuMikuDance can produce. · By
This is a really hard question for me cause my gets inspired by a lot of things. I would say sketchy and cluttered art. I like the way artists have this unfinished look with sketch-like art and the different shading methods they do. For Cluttered art, I like the way there is so much on the screen to look at. Then the different use of color and shading to tell what is close and what is far.
When it comes to creating art in general, my first source of inspiration is whatever impulsive thought comes to mind, whether it's from a dream or an emotion I'm feeling. For the sake of originality, I tend to avoid outside references until I know where I'm going with the piece that I'm creating. As for references, I usually find ones based on the theme or style of my piece to help me push its message.