I bought this a while ago but am unable to play it, due to a lack of screenreader+keyboard support. I saw the game was updated so I thought I'd try again, but no dice. However it is serving as inspiration to write this post.
Screenreaders convert what's on the screen to spoken or braille output, so that folks like myself who can't see can still compute. Windows, OSX and Linux have screenreader software included. However most games do not support them due to the methods most game engines use to print text to the screen. There are a couple of unity plugins that can help: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/gui/ui-accessibility-plugin-uap-8793 or there's a newer option which includes a TTS engine to generate the necessary prompts: https://www.readspeaker.ai/unity-unreal-game-engine-plugin-free-trial/ However it costs money and may not be open source so the first one might be better. Haven't looked into it.
The second thing I would ask is for either keyboard or controller support. Right now you have to click everything with a mouse which is not super convenient. I would love to be able to use arrows and the enter key to select options, or tab and shift+tab, or even use numbers for conversation options. Failing that, it would also be helpful if I could use an x-input controller to move between options with the d-pad and select options with a face button. This would also help folks who have trouble using a mouse due to limited motor dexterity.
As it stands, currently, I am unfortunately not able to play your game. But I would love to some day! Please support the hundreds of millions of gamers around the world with vision loss and mobility impairments.
Thanks for your time!