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Programming language built on javascript 路 By Malachi Bance

General Discussion Sticky

A topic by Malachi Bance created Mar 14, 2022 Views: 184 Replies: 7
Viewing posts 1 to 3

Any thoughts and feelings about Fishyscript


Hey, I'm intrigued. Where is the documentation?


Working on getting that up and running at the moment, should be documentation up soon :]


The documentation is now live, just download the file and go to 'documentation.html', or press the button 'documentation' in the editor.

Any trouble and give me a shout :]


Thanks! Messing around with it now.

(1 edit)

Hi, I am very interested in this product.

Dapple was listed as open source. Is fishyscript open source? Please tell me about the license.

Developer (1 edit)

You're free to use my program/change it/make your own program using Fishyscript source code, as long as any publishing gives me credit (and isn't profited upon). For other circumstances please contact me 馃憤


Hello. Thanks for your generous comment. I am interested in how to make programs, ideas, and designs. I will contact you if I have anything to make.