Hey there!
So, I just picked up the game and really like what's there so far, but one thing struck me and I was curious as to the benefits I might not be seeing.
Namely, why would you upgrade your Die size? It makes everything more expensive (though this does have the effect of letting you progress a bit further before picking up soul dice), without giving you access to higher tier damage or health upgrades. I actually ran the numbers over at Anydice, and if you keep your starting d6 and pimp it out by taking off 2 Fails and adding 2-3 Crits (depending on if you're a Warrior), you actually end up having better odds of success with more dice. Not to mention the chances of having a spare Crit to double your damage after cancelling all your fails goes way up on a d6 in that situation as well.
So, I'm just curious what the intended benefit of upgrading die size is, since a bigger die doesn't automatically do any extra damage or have any higher potential for damage upgrading?