Title pretty much says it. Games or asset packs.
There's 3 of us ATM. Anyone interested to join ?
hey Acro, tell me more about this if music is part of the bundle?! Here’s some of my current projects and style of composing, thanks!
IG: @joeorourkemusic
hey, it could be a fun fit although it wasn't exactly my idea. But the bundle could include music fit for strategy games. For people to have some assets in the bundle too. If you think you'd have some, that could work!
hey JoeORourke! Bundle idea's still up. As for everyone else who is interested! Do tell if you wish to join. I will join with my game.
hey, i'm interested, let me know if i'm fit
this is my portfolio
hey, welcome, good to have you!!
i'm still planning to make the bundle.
now I think we have enough people. Next week, I'll get back to you!!
great this is my discord yanbra1#9070
thanks! I will get back to you if we'll include more assets.
This sounds fun, here's my portfolio HereI'd be happy to help if there's still room for more people to get involved.
Discord: Spoob#0104
There's still space! For games, mainly. So anyone with a strategy game, if interested, there's still a spot or two!