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Illustrator looking for projects

A topic by Sheepshin created Mar 22, 2022 Views: 298 Replies: 2
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Hello hello!

My name is Shin, I'm a freelance Illustrator and character designer looking to for work, mostly on bigger projects. I have no experience when it comes to game design, but I do know how to draw (I think). 

Below is a link to my full porfolio, which has subsections for different types of work, please have a look when you have time!

If you'd like to work with me or know of a project I can be part of, feel free to contact me anytime right here or over on my twitter!

Thank you for reading,

kind regards,


Hello Sheepshin, very interesting art style and good cover.

I am just setting up a mobile game project developed (online) with Unity3D.
Although it is based on a Rev-Share model, maybe you're interested.

Cheers, Unity Dev

Hello and thank you!

It sounds interesting, I'd love to hear more about it when you have time C: