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Linux issues

A topic by insomniac_lemon created Mar 23, 2022 Views: 146
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(2 edits)

1. Controller input doesn't quite work (with the Steam Controller, via SCcontroller or when added via Steam). When standalone, the controller is not seen at all. With Steam, the analog stick works (the left touchpad does not, even when configured to left joystick using configurator in Big Picture mode), but nothing else does.

2. There's some sort of random stuttering. Sometimes one-off, sometimes multiple times in a few seconds, I have seen it freeze once.  There are no usage issues that I can see (such as a fully-used thread, 100% GPU utilization, full RAM etc) but for reference I have a Ryzen 2700 , 1050Ti, and 16 GBs of RAM.  Adding the API indicator (which adds an FPS counter) shows the game is dropping FPS by 20+FPS, which it really shouldn't be.

It seems that the game will freeze if it doesn't always have context (or switching back-and-forth?), even if the game is windowed. Possibly related to the stuttering?

3. Settings aren't saved after game is closed(I think the bullet-eater progress is saved though).

Relevant to all issues, I'm on Arch Linux and after having these issues I updated to confirm they were issues with the game itself (or at least not a short-lived issue), and yes nothing changed.

I got this via a bundle so it's not a refund issue. For some comparison, *A Short Hike* has none of these issues and even has controller rebinding.

Though for the controller, I'm not sure how much it's even needed (for me personally) if it's just move'n'shoot (no manual aim rotation).