Hello! Love the game, very excited to see such a well-made title focused on ladies putting the dick to boys. That said, there's been one thing making it really hard for me to enjoy the game, and it forced me to drop it for a few months before I finally came back recently. It's awesome you guys are adding more options for playing the slut and actually enjoying your reaming, but I'm wondering if it might not be too much work to add one more option.
Basically, I can't stand how gross the descriptions are a lot of the time. The narrator goes out of their way to talk about how foul things smell and how absolutely horrible everything tastes. That's unpleasant to read at any time, and I feel like it's got to be a turnoff to a lot of people that would otherwise enjoy these scenes, even if they are "losing." Humiliation is one thing, (though that can feel a bit excessive at times too) but stomach-turning descriptions force me to skip over parts I'd usually savor the most. Also, the cumming sound effect seems... comical, more than arousing xP
I know that changing/flagging a lot of text for alternatives would be a ton of work, but I feel like you might open up to a much wider audience if you invested the time to do so. I don't know if maybe it gets better later in the game as your character "gets used to it," but even if so, first impressions are important with your sex scenes, you know?
Also, a quick bug report: it looks like the wereslut scene where you get anally knotted in combat and switch to text is kinda playing out two different scenes at the same time. It looks like there were basically two different versions of the scene written, and rather than just displaying one of them, it:
1. Plays out one all the way to trying to pull out
2. Jumps to the other and describes the sex finishing to trying to pull out
3. Changes pictures and plays out one finishing scene about you gaping, then the other.
Guessing you might be missing an else{} or break; or something to that effect ^.^;
Anyway! Hope you'll consider it! I'm rooting for you guys to make this game as big and awesome as can be!