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Lust Doll

An adult game set in a post-apocalyptic sci fi/ fantasy open exploration world. · By indivi

Raising kids

A topic by Sayori lover created Mar 27, 2022 Views: 820 Replies: 4
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Ello, i wanted to just add a suggestion. Why dont you add a mechanic where after a month of sleeping, the baby that you have changes from baby to toddler and so on until teen and when it grows to an adult, it leaves. During the time you have it however, the child can be used as a "side kick" kinda. Like, it shows the child next to you when fighting and it adds stats like for a toddler it adds nimble and teen adds strength. you can make a randomized look for the baby or can customize it.


It's kind of a tricky situation to have kids around, considering all the adult things that happen, so that's why this unfortunately likely won't happen

Damn, it could have been cool tho. Having a side kick

Have Lust Doll make them look away or something lmfao

Solution: drag them to the underworld when sex scenes occur (this is a joke sorry)


haha, I don't know if that'll cut it