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The main thing is to trust your senses. · By DanRedTMF

Nice game, enjoyed playing this

A topic by Napuyums created Mar 31, 2022 Views: 114 Replies: 2
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I really liked the game, it was simple and fun :) I think I found all three endings too! Only thing that really bothered me was those "Insights" since I didn't quite understand what they were?


Insights help the protagonist wake up. It is a kind of physical manifestation of support for the Watcher (unfortunately, his name is not yet known to the protagonist).  It is his empathy and hope. The Watcher is also a victim, but his desire to protect is stronger. Insight is the key... Only to what?

Thanks for playing the game!

So cool! I think I also get the endings better now too \(^-^)/ 

Thank you for the explanation