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A topic by (Abandoned Account) created Apr 03, 2022 Views: 170 Replies: 7
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An alternate universe has been summoned by the devil. The universe clones Rocky but this Rocky is a bit strange and creepy. His name is Rocky.exe. Instead of having white skin his skin is now withered to gray and he has blood pouring out of his eyes. He also has gotten a bit taller than Rocky. Instead of being dumb and being a total idiot he is now a lot smarter. This version of Rocky likes to kill people a lot and turn them into his slaves to kill others. Now in the present timeline Rocky is seen killing an old man and his wife in New York City. He has killed over 200 people so far and his goal is to turn every human alive into a slave and a zombie. Rocky is now back to his dry land and he is chewing on an arm. He gets bored of the flesh and he now kill his friends including his biggest idol ROXXIE. (Also the words on Rocky.exe's shirt is now ROCKY GOD). He teleports himself to the poopdimension so he can kill Buddy an old friend of Rocky. He flys up to Buddy who is seen teaching poofriend how to speak. Rocky.exe chomps Buddy's head off right infront of poofriend. Blood splashes everywhere on the floor and on poofriend. Poofriend is SHOCKED to see Buddy's head getting decapitated by Rocky.exe. He tries to fight back but Rocky.exe easily squashes him to just be a shit splat. Rocky then teleports to Earth where his next 2 victims are. Rocky.exe wants to kill shapemaster and Roxxie. He finds shapemaster who is resting in the unbreakable cube hidden somewhere inside of a woods. Rocky.exe manages to break in the cube and kill shapemaster. Rocky.exe rips off his energetic skin and carves out an X on shapemaster's head which means that Rocky.exe had fun killing the person he killed. Rocky.exe summons the dead Buddy he killed and he is now a slave of Rocky.exe. Rocky.exe does the same to shapemaster and this shapemaster is very very destroyed. Rocky.exe's only victim left to kill is Roxxie. He finds Roxx hanging out with his friends Myth, Poyo, Ethan, Jordan, and WhatsBros. Rocky.exe punches Roxx and he scratches off his head leaving his brain to be sticking out. All of the friends run in fear as Rocky kills Roxx. When Rocky.exe is finished Roxx now becomes a SLAVE of Rocky.exe.


After killing 3 people Rocky.exe isn't satisfied he wants to have fun but with killing involved of course. He sends his slaves to Earth to defeat the other humans. While he does that he sits down and gains more power. A portal shows up and surprisingly it's BOYFRIEND AND GIRLFRIEND who step out of it. It turns out Daddy Dearest figured out the universe of where Rocky.exe is located so he found a way to finally kill boyfriend once and for all. But like always girlfriend always followed. Rocky.exe turns around to see bf and gf. Boyfriend pulls out his microphone wanting to rap battle with Rocky.exe. Rocky.exe accepts the rap battle and he pulls out his red microphone he summoned with his powerful powers (goofy ass words馃拃馃拃馃拃馃拃馃拃馃拃). After the first rap battle Rocky.exe is frustrated that he lost so he attacks bf. But luckily gf defends bf and she beams Rocky.exe with her demonic powers. Rocky.exe is now angered but he likes this fun he is having. Moving on to the second song. Rocky.exe raps CRAZY and bf likes it so he raps crazy back. After You-Cant-Scream Rocky.exe loses AGAIN. He is now very very very angry and he screams entering his final xenophane phase (goofy ah words馃拃馃拃馃拃馃拃馃拃馃拃). Now bf and gf enter the final song Triple-Laughter (its called that bcuz Rocky.exe likes to make his slaves laugh and so does himself). Bf and gf are now encountered with Rocky.exe's slaves. The first slave they go up against is Buddy. After Buddy sings his part Rocky.exe shows up and but with a bigger and more evilesh appearance. He now has long darkened-purple spikes emerging out of his hair, back, and shoulders. He is now 3x his normal size and he has a big smile on his face knowing that he will kill bf finally. After Rocky.exe is done singing it moves on to shapemaster. Bf is shocked to see how much damage Rocky.exe has done to Buddy and shapemaster. After shapemaster is done singing Rocky.exe shows up again and he raps for the second time in Triple-Laughter. After his second time singing it then moves on to Roxxie. Bf is VERY shocked to see Roxxie now a living dead zombie as he rap battled Roxxie before. After Roxxie is done singing Rocky.exe shows up for the THIRD time now singing CRAZY as he did in You-Cant-Scream. After the 7 minute rapping Rocky.exe yells in anger as he is unfortunately not able to kill or beat bf in the rap battle. Rocky is furious and tries to attack bf AGAIN but gf protects him by beaming Rocky.exe with her powers and she teleports her and bf back to her place. She confronts her dad about why she did that to bf for him to be killed by Rocky.exe but the dad slams his fist on his desk and he vanishes (probably being angry that he didn't kill bf). Meanwhile Rocky.exe is so fucking angry that he teleports back to his withered place. He sits down in anger and switches back to his normal form (phase in Too-Goofy).

To be continued...(Maybe)

And THAT is the story of Rocky.exe and the fnf universe he encounters!

Woah this was a LOT of text so I hope you did have the time to read it all and I thank you for that! More storylines coming soon!!!

I know it鈥檚 not a real mod but uhh..

If Princess Reese Fel Into The FNF Universe…

Doesn鈥檛 it mean that she is also in the same world?

No. Boyfriend teleported into Rocky.exe's world. Reese is in the fnf universe. While bf and gf are in Rocky.exe's universe.

oh ok

(joke) nobody exists

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