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Dima Link Pixel Art theme

A topic by DimaLink created Apr 05, 2022 Views: 19,409 Replies: 406
Viewing posts 350 to 367 of 367 · Previous page · First page

CosmoMeda – Cosmos Andromeda

Pixel art for today based on videogame Verytex for game console Sega Mega Drive. It is a space shooter. There are lots of them. And these games make this console really cool! Space. It is, of course, black. But, there are there galaxies and stars. It is, also, different. And colorful. And, of course, there are aliens, they live there. And lots of space ships. You, also, fly with something like that! Travel by stars!

And this is my drawing based on same theme Verytex (megaDrive). There are lots of aliens in space! For this time, it is appeared invisible huge planet. Now it is easy to see. As big as a sun by its size. Blue-green by colors.  Blue as ice and ocean. And green as plains and grass. And from the planet, army of aliens fly out.  It is move to Andromeda sector 123. It is a mechanical planet, as it is to find out. And it flies to this certain point. And, in that place, it becomes visible. And space ships fly out form there. Aliens are interesting in sector 123. There are lots of mineral Kvark. Kvark 12. Exists there, for example.

And somewhere far away from here. A milky way. You fly from that point. Such a cosmos. Everyone flies everywhere. And everyone needs something here and there. So, looks like, in a casual place. It is always someone to find something. Out of Kvark 12, it is made a case of mechanical planet. With the right work with this material, it is very strong and good to go for space.

So, it is find out that in sector Andromeda 256, again was detected same blue-green huge planet. And, there is there Kork-14. It is, also, a such material. How are connected these two distanced sectors in space? It is a big puzzle!

And you are awaiting the adventure action. About a little airplane. Fly and shoot. Space levels. Sprites. Such a game about a space. With a science fiction story. As a Star Gate, well, almost. And it is only a picture!

Dima Link is making retro videogames, apps, a little of music, write stories, and some retro more.






I am atomic, thermonuclear quant

I am atomic, thermonuclear quant mega kvark man 8 bit. I enter the room. And, before my, everything was not in clear colors. And, it was, like I watch the world with eyes of VHS cassette. And, everything is moving like waves. Just like waves goes by the screen. It is a little hard for me to make a navigation in space.

I turn on my cassette player. It is portable. And it plays retro wave. Miami Nights 1984. I think, I am better now.  It helps me to have a synchronicity with visual sequence. I am better. Coordination is better. It is sentimental. And music album has a same name – Sentiments. It is random coincidence.

I understand, that sub atomic particles are runs in different side with huge speed. It is a hug power. Like a compressed mainspring. Which is has returned to uncompressed state. And it starts a full VHS.

It is good to go back to reality. It is a time for me to go! I say everyone goodbye! We, well, see you all later! I was at the hotline Miami. I think so. This place has this name. I do not know, why it has such a name. I am, should to be, some funny little animal. At least, I have seen such kind. I see with own eyes, that owl said to me hello! But, I left the place. It was happened a thermo nuclear synthesis. VHS tape goes to its end. It was hot. Number of tape 1984. Label - Miami.


Dima Link is making retro videogames, apps, a little of music, write stories, and some retro more.






Snowfall-Blizzard racing – hard winter conditions racing

Pixel art for today based on video game Lotus he Ultimate Challenge for computer system Ibm Pc Ms Dos. Excellent racing game. Cool graphics. And, it is, so, interesting, all time, to go to someway forward! Race forward! And to get to know what is it there! And there – it should to be excellent mood! Even in winter and summer! Lotus it is very beautiful graphics for Ms Dos too. Also, same racing game was for MegaDrive. And there were two parts, even. I for myself, play in part two for Ms Dos. And first part with Sega 16 bit. It is cool racing! I need to launch all these things again!

And this is my drawing based on Lotus he Ultimate Challenge (Ms Dos). And here it is winter. And, by the way, it is very strong snow blizzard. Hurricane, even, maybe. And dark sky. It is hard to say is it morning or evening. You need to have winter tires. And winter competition.

Slush, dirt. Pieces of snow under the wheels. Snowfall. And winter. And most hard time of the year. In this moment it is so necessary not to be late for beginning of race. Road will be long. And it is racing! Arcade! Full winter. With snow and low visible range.

Unique racing event! Winter – tires, cars. Racing. Track. Road. While it is going on most hard part of winter. Racing in winter. There are racing in the daytime. And night. In a clear weather and in hard conditions. As a blizzard. And snowfall.

It is road ahead. Into unknown. Unknown, because of, first of all, low visible in the road. In some parts of the road. And unknows, because of, road is hard. And long. But, route is, already, set. And nothing else except to race it! From beginning to very finish!

As for me, I play in Lotus with great interest and positive!

Dima Link is making retro videogames, apps, a little of music, write stories, and some retro more.






Super team cup UniCom 00

Pixel art for today based on videogame John Madden Football 92 for game console Sega MegaDrive. Pseudo three-dimensional football. Sport. Rather, powerful type of sport. So, obviously, it is not good for everyone. In a real life. And, with your console, you can play easily by evenings – well, everyday, if you want! So, mainly, as for me, I go some other things to play, as usual. Not to play sport games. But here, look, a green field. And, some sport teams are there, they are run after the ball. So, this is a type of football – more, even, dangerous, than usual one. And, it is more tough here. So, well, let`s say, that it is a nice way to start with cartridge! So, I can say to some have start!

And, this is my drawing based on John Madden Football 92 (SMD). At the game field it is interesting situation. A lots of players. All of them are running now to the center of the field. Right now, all attention to one single player. Will he do it or not. To take initiative in his hands. Ball in game, as we can say here!

No need to forget, that here you can push and, even, to get into some fight. So, it is easy to left the ball!

All players are running to the center! Very soon, we get to know what score will to be!

Dima Link is making retro videogames, apps, a little of music, write stories, and some retro more.






Sorcerer and adventurer – plains of fire and ice

Pixel aErt for today based on videogame Zeliard for computer system, Ibm Pc Ms Dos. It is role playing game. Maybe, it is even about famous Dungeons and Dragons. A high quality fantasy adventure. Or it has it`s own story. But, game is very valuable thing. About dungeons. And training a character. If to turn on some imagination, then it will be a greater adventure. Game was with different colors. Also including CGA format.

And, this is my drawing based on same theme – Zeliard (Ms Dos). Retro graphics about whole 4 colors. This point also has some interest. And before you – it is, already, a portal with a form of a virtual diskette. It is calling you in a world of fire and ice, cold and hot. It is fantasy world where lives dragons and elves, vampires and demons. Magic land of unbelievable miracles.

Here at the edge of time, you have find yourself in a kingdom. You see big forests. Full of green. And high trees, that you have never seen before. And a little further, it is plains of ice. And no one can to cross it. And in another side – plains of fire. And few only were there. And even less - to return back. But, it happens, that sorcerer of magic guild. Decides, that you are very unique. Because of you appeared in this world using a virtual diskette. And this means he gives you a selection – magic stuff or magic sword. And invites you to go though plains of fire and ice. There are lots of amazing and unbelievable there! It is a lands of magic. And, even, experienced adventurers try not to be there. They just simply prefer dungeons on the forests. But, for so unique one it will not be hard to go through ice and fire. And brings a symbols of fire and ice. You do not understand about what is he talking. But sorcerer convinced you, that you get all the ideas later. So here you are  - your 100 coins for start adventure. There are bandits in the forest. And behind the forest – it is a river with water citizens.

And you are with feelings about a great adventure – start to go. Sorcerer gives you a promise, that will meet you at the other side – at the side of ice. At the side of fire. If you reach that place. He will give you a tips during your adventures. And show the road.

 And only you to deicide where to go first. In a cave of fire. Or in a cave of ice. And don’t forget to select your priority. Or in might or in magic. Sword or spells. It is your choice. Select as you wish.

Dima Link is making retro videogames, apps, a little of music, write stories, and some retro more.






Princess and magic things - abandoned castle

Pixel art for today based on videogame Zeliard for computer system Ibm Pc Ms Dos. Version of the game with MCGA graphics. Role playing game. About fantasy. A thing, that lots of players likes. So, it is like it has a intro. With princess. As in Star Wars. This is a joke. It has some other story. About fantasy something. And next as explore of labyrinths it goes.

And, this is my drawing based on the same theme Zeliard (Ms Dos). Princess in a garden. In a shadows of a big castle. And, it is near a big garden with beautiful flowers. From all over the world. And here in a shadows - it is dark. And, there is a passage in a dark part of the castle. And, there are there a catacombs. And underground labyrinths.

Princess has a emerald sword. Which can shine in the darkness. It is light. And fast. And, it collects inside a magic force. It can change its color according to magic part. Right now, it is sword of ice.

Princess has, already, explored several passages. But, it is still, not the end of the labyrinth. Interesting to see what place it will lead. Princess thinks. It is so interesting to see what is next. Right now, there  are small rats, skeletons, bats. But, one day, gargoyle attacks princess. So, black stone statue. In one of halls. It is alive. It starts to move. Situation was saved with emerald sword. With ice magic. And magic. Princess, also, knows magic. Several fireballs. And several lightings. It is to use some mana.

No one never told about this part of the castle. She appeared here by a case. And, using some time she explores this catacombs. A big garden has their little roads. And, so, she has a walk in a garden, one day. She suddenly understands, that she is in old part of the castle. And, rare people are here. And there is abandoned part of the castle is here.

So, here in the garden, magic bunny is living. And, he runs in the garden. And, if you to find him. He can suggest you a magic potions. Potion of heal and potion of magic force. In exchange with coins, that you find in dungeon. Another coins he does not accept. Only from the dungeon. And he all the time runs in the garden. So, first, you need to find him!

So this is a magic things for princess in a magic kingdom!


Dima Link is making retro videogames, apps, a little of music, write stories, and some retro more.






Water bug at the sand and in the shallow river

Drawing for today based on bug. So big bug. In a little sand. In a wet little sand. And, here, at the water. Bug likes to be in a sand. Especially, after the rain. He is a water bug. And, he is never against to swim. And, from the rain, he can hide under the little leaf. And, to watch water flow. In a rainy day, water flows faster. It can happen, even, a rise water level. And, bug, it happens, already, starts to think, - well, maybe, it is better to go more distance from the water. In a thick grass. There are, also, a puddles. There is water there, too. But, not so a lot. And, you can expect – that, it is possible, that strong water flow can smash bug. And, to take him to some other distant places, who knows what places.

Bug is sitting at the little sand. And, it is here a little stones. He likes to watch them. And, to collect them. Little stones – they are different. And, everyone has its own shape. Every stone has its own color. So, bug in a sand, all time, can to see stones. So, there is no little raining and bug can sit in the wet sand. Near the river. So, it is whole plain with sand for a bug here. With little stones, of course.

And look - bug start to swim. He takes it and swim. He can swim. Little river is very big for him. And wide. And, rather, deep too. There is bottom there. And, there are stones there too. So, look - little fish is swimming near. And, bug is swimming at the top. Swim and swim. To the other side of the river. There are more grass there. Frog is living in the grass. And, it is ok to go as a guest to a frog.

It is so cool for a bug here. And, he can stay in the sand. And, he can swim. And, such a distance he can overcome. Bug likes to live near the water. He is a water bug. It is his place. In a big rain, there are, always, a bush. And grass. It is, all the time, he can find a good place. And, there are so lots of space here. For a bug. Grass. And sand. Water. Shallow river.

In a hot day, he can swim.  And, little river can be, even, rather, shallow. At some point, it is possible just to run through the river. To the other side. Everything, all the time, makes a changes. And, bug knows this. Bug likes this. Rains are changing with sun. And, sometimes, there are lots of water, and sometimes - few of water.  New grass is growing up. So, lots of things to happens here. Bug, even, do not have a time to watch all of these things. Bug is busy. So, he is, already, swimming to the other side of the little river.

Dima Link is making retro videogames, apps, a little of music, write stories, and some retro more.






Cloud lands

Pixel art for today based on Act Raiser for game console Super Nintendo. Fantasy action game. I can, even, say like action movie in fantasy. With fantasy style. And, even, for a Super Nintendo. With a 16 bit graphics! 16 bit game! 16 bit action! Everything at maximum!

And, this is my drawing based on Act Raiser (Super Nintendo). Stairs of ice. You are walking by it. Though all these cloud lands. You have a magic sword in your hands. It can call a bird.  This event has a different names. Including a mystical ally. Or phantom eagle. Your sword can, also, do these things. You are travelling across these lands. And, first time, you find this cloud land. Everything here is in snow. And, so magical. Stairs of miracles - it is ahead. And, there are amulet of magic in those place,  and it awaits you. With using it, you will learn some things. Which help you in your adventure.

Magician Hal shows you a way to this amulet. But, at first, you need help him and to expel from cloud lands – monsters from underworld lands. They came through oval mirrors. Be careful about flying gargoyles.

Stairs of ice – it is enter to fortress in the sky. And, there, you can to find a useful items. And, stairs in the sky, leads to most different places. And, there, you need to search mirrors and destroy them. Though them – monsters came. Later, go to a tower to the magician and he shows certain accurate place with amulet.

Two dimensional fantasy adventure. Action game. As action movie. But with fantasy style. And 16 bit. Or MS Dos. Or, maybe, even, 8 bit.  So, cloud lands – everything is with clouds and snow. And, night with stars at the high part of the screen. And, stairs of ice which you can go by and to enter different places. And, there are different fortress in the clouds. As a labyrinths with different themes. But, everything is around this theme. And, this is a story.


Dima Link is making retro videogames, apps, a little of music, write stories, and some retro more.






Butterfly with black wings

Drawing for today based on butterfly. So, big butterfly. With black wings. Or moth, as idea. But here it is a butterfly. It is flying. And, also, it can to sit at the wall. So, orange or red colored. And, so, at first time, you, even, do not notice.

So, a huge wings. Amazing! And this thing by herself - it is like caterpillar. But with a wings. And, by the way, they are so big. And, several times, bigger, than a thing itself. And, antennas at the head.

And, by the way, I am, always, interesting, what butterfly is doing, when she is sitting at the wall. Maybe, sleep. Or free time. Or try to find something. Maybe, eat dust. And, maybe, waits for a friend. To fly. To play!

And maybe, it is secret place for a butterfly. And, nobody knows, about this place! And, butterfly can be very hidden! And, nobody knows, about this place. And, nobody detect butterfly here. And, at the same time, it is casual place.

Of course, it is, so, comfortable, to sit this way on the wall. It is possible to crawl higher or lower. Close or the grass. Or to the sky. And, sit there and to watch everything from a vertical surface. To the different directions. It should be interesting! But, these things can do a butterfly. And different bugs too.

What an amazing things - wings of the butterfly, anyway. With so colors. So, painting. Amazing event. And, also, they can crawl by the walls. And they can fly. And, so, at first time, you, even, not to notice them!

Dima Link is making retro videogames, apps, a little of music, write stories, and some retro more.






Swamps secrets

Pixel art for today based on videogame Star Ocean for game console Super Nintendo. Role playing game with unbelievable 16 bit graphics. So, this is adventure! This is a story and fantasy, something, space there is there. Maybe. I do not play it yet. Star Ocean. What an interesting name for a game. It should to be and excellent adventure. With format about 16 bit cartridge! Well, I, definitely, need to play it! And to see what an ocean is there! And, it is, also, about a stars.

And, this is my drawing based on Star Ocean (snes). In a swamps land, there are lots of beautiful flowers. And, it is often, it is very interesting to have a walk here! And, also, here at the water surface. Well, even, ok, it is not deep. But, amongst the water. There is a construction. Whole series of buildings. And, it is very interesting to explore them. With your friend little frog. He is living in these swamps. And he made a wooden sword by himself. And he walks everywhere and explore. These buildings.

So, someone is here in a dark passages. Creatures with red eyes and black color. No one never see these creatures beyond these buildings. There are, also, a huge rats there. And, rats with two legs. There are also a skeletons and zombies there. It is a things, that little frog said to you. He explores these places for a long time, already. And, it is hard to say how far in swamp and in the forest these buildings go. And there are, also, underground parts. Little stairs under the ground. There are labyrinths there too. It is a tale from little frog.

And, at night, here a necromancer zombie is walking here with his little army of skeletons and zombies.  They are throwing fireballs in everyone. So, it is better to do explore part till the night start.

Fantasy thing about super Nintendo some action role playing.


Dima Link is making retro videogames, apps, a little of music, write stories, and some retro more.







Pixel art for today based on videogame Star ocean for game console Super Nintendo. Ocean of stars. Ocean, which is full of stars. It is attracting. It is so big. And, it has so big value. And, there are so many stars there. So, this is a fairytale. So, here it is a fantasy story, some kind, so at the evening, I need to do this for myself, to take a seat and start to play this game! To play with this super adventure! Super adventure – for Super Nintendo.

And this is my drawing based on Star Ocean (SNES). Evening. All around, is getting so darker. And, so mysterious. Everything is changing its color to the evening colors. Shadows are landing to the ground. And heroes are ready for the adventures. They are breathing night fresh air. It is makes so positive for them. And they are looking somewhere- in a dark – somewhere beyond the horizon. And after few minutes. They will leave this town. And they go to the next town. Though the plains and a forest. Through the lakes and rivers.

They are going into the adventure. And there – a big swamp flies are waiting for them. And a huge rats. Which can eat nuts. Nuts - it is, well known, plant in these forests. And, there are lots of them. So, you never be lost in a forest, because of these plants. And, also, in a rivers - a water elements are living. They are most different. And never speaks with humanoids. Never.

It is a path top those places. In a side. Until most horizon. But there, it will be a next city. Main, it is to get to that city.

You and your friends. You are ready for the adventure. Astronomer gives you a mechanical little tube. Inside it - there is a mechanical program. To launch it with a mechanical machine. To update a course of the planet. Astronomer lives in this city. There is a high hill here. Most high. And from this point it is easier to see the stars. Asteroid is going to this planet. And it is better to change planet direction.

It is good to go until swamps and go through them. And go next into a tunnel. There, it will be a deceiver device. And you make input of this program. Message. Just insert inside this mechanical cylinder. And it will work. Mechanisms start to rotate. And planet will change a little another side. So, no one even will notice this.

OceanWorld – it is big planet. It flies with its own way though the space void. It is artificial planet, And, in the center of the planet. Core with a computer system. With lots of mechanisms. Which gives planet stable work. One word – world - it is a one big mystery.

Dima Link is making retro videogames, apps, a little of music, write stories, and some retro more.






Rabbit goes as friend to a bunny

Rabbit goes by meadow. He is sneaking in grass and goers as a guest to his friend - bunny. Bunny is so snow-white. He is so white color. So, it is not easy to see him from the first time, in a bright sunny day. As it is today.

Rabbit is sneaking in the grass. And he can to eat a delicious grass during the road. There are growing lots of interesting grass in the field. Every grass in interesting for a rabbit. And, it is something delicious in the way here. So, rabbit is, already, at the hill. And, he sees things around – and here he is - his friend - bunny. Bunny is waiting for him here.

It turns out, that bunny remember, that rabbit go to his place as guest, and, it is today to happen. And he wakes up earlier. And go to the field. To meet rabbit. He climbs at the hill and looks around. And here is rabbit. So, here it is rabbit! He is so gray, and he is walking. By the grass. He is sneaking in grass from one little hill to another one. He is going by the field.

It is a bright and light day in the field. It is very hot summer day. Field is fill with different sounds. So, here – there are grasshoppers and bugs. And butterflies are flying. Everything is about their own things to do. So, rabbit arrived to bunny. His friend. So, they can to sit here at the little hill. And speak.

It is so good in the little grass. Everything is so green around. And so joyful. What can be better than a -go to a friend as guest, while it is early morning! Especially, in this good and warm day. With sounds of grasshoppers and bugs. So, how good they are, as musicians in the field. They sing most different melodies.

Rabbit and bunny lives in a different corners of the huge field. And field looks for them like endless. There is here a little river, shallow river. And forest. And bush. And, even, there is a little sand. And, little roads. And hills. And first of all - there are lots of grass here. Whole sea.

Rabbit and bunny now speaks about different things. And they go to play later. So, at the hill it is so warm and good now. It is a bright little sun above them. And all of them – have a good mood. Rabbit is surprised to see bunny at this certain place. Rabbit thinks, that he will go for some distance for some time, more distance. And bunny – was surprised too, that he finds rabbit so fast in this huge field.

So, at this legendary little hill – it becomes a meeting rabbit with bunny. This little hill is same like hundreds of others. But, at this certain one, friends have a meeting. Rabbit and bunny. And they speak about something, while songs of grasshoppers all around. And whistle of the bugs is all around. 

Dima Link is making retro videogames, apps, a little of music, write stories, and some retro more.






Dreams Again

Pixel art for today based on videogame Final Fantasy Mystic Quest for game console Super Nintendo. Role playing game. And magical mystical adventure. Magic ball already is shaking. And it turns you in a land of magic. And sorcery. A huge world. Crystals of magic. Crystal of harmony. And amazing creatures. Such as dragons, slimes, skeletons. So, it is again, it is so interesting what kind of game is it!

And this is my drawing based on Final Fantasy Mystic Quest (SNES). Tale is going about a princess. Which need to find a stone of creation. Which was lost in kingdom. And it is a time to left the kingdom. And start to travel. About lands of nearest territories.

Here, you will find a new friends. And see most different monsters. Which lives at the plains, swamps and sands. To see dungeons. Which lead you somewhere far and far. You can find amazing treasure. To find a path of magic. And together with new friends. Princess can start to understand. What the way so valuable stone has disappeared one day.

 So, already, you find out some things. In a nearest lands. It is not about a point are they kingdoms or not. So, there it is also about same stones. Stones of harmony, stone of rain. Sphere of stars. All of these - disappeared.  Something is happened with the world. Someone from sailors see huge crabs and octopus in the oceans. They attack ships. So, something like this almost never to happen before. There are more often to whirlpool.  And hurricanes. And tropical storm smash all the fisherman’s villages. At the shoreline. All around the beach it is a magical strong wind is blowing. Something like it is starting a hurricane.

Here at the plains, and more distance from the sea. It is more calm. So here in the inn where you stay. Here in a basement start to appear packs of rats. And someone suggest you to deal with hem. Well, if you of course introduce yourself as a searcher for adventures. No one knows here that you are a princess from a near kingdom. And elf archer and warrior human already want to join you. And start adventure together! Travel together! Frog come. Clever frog. Healer. He can heal. Frogs ask to join a team! Frog dreams to see the ocean!! With such friends – in a road! 

Dima Link is making retro videogames, apps, a little of music, write stories, and some retro more.






Beaver is swimming in a river amongst the thickets

Beaver was sitting near the river. And, he wants to have some refresh. So, of course, it is little shadows here, he is in a little shade. But, anyway, it is a good summer day. Simple thing - beaver in a shade. Near the water. He was looking at the water. And he makes a decision – he will go to water and feel refresh. He will swim, at the other side of the river. So, it is near. And little water is so refreshing. So, it is, straight, across the grass. Which is growing in the water.

Water is so dark blue. Dark color. And calm, so makes you feel calm. Beaver likes water. He likes to swim. And, by the way, his little house is in these places. Near the water.

Beaver can swim very good. And, so, he is swimming near the thickets. It is always interesting. There are places, where there are lots of thickets. It is lots of grass growing. And, there are places, where you can calm to swim. Whole water paths. And do not touch even a single thicket. It is funny.  And it happens that you need to swim straight though bushes and grass. And with a nose to touch a grass. It is, also, a funny thing. So, every time, it is a unique path. To the other side of the river. Though the thickets.

So, in someplace it is dark. In a shade of a high trees. And someway - it is a wide field. And it is simple, there at the other side. It is so green. So, a little, you walk there and bugs are singing their songs. Lots of them. And, someplace far, it is swamps type. So, there, you can see a different birds. Birds are always doing their own things. And such a water thickets are going someplace in a far.

Beaver, he is explorer of a river. He all the time goes by the shore. And start to swim later by river. Water element is calling for him. And he is swimming across, to the other side. He walks there. Later, he again swim across. Or, he can swim forward by the river. It is amazing places are here! 

Dima Link is making retro videogames, apps, a little of music, write stories, and some retro more.






Alice Cooper – hey, stupid! Rock musician at the concert!

Drawing about music theme. Alice Cooper, rock musician during the concert. Drawing is based on some photo. And musician has lots of albums. With the most different sound. Someone likes it something like this, and someone another likes more like something else. One album or another one. As I can say. Big selection. So, I remember these days, how I start to listen with records Brutal Planet, DragonTown. I like a lot Hey Stupid. Well, maybe, it is my personal choice! Hey bro, take it slow! Well, it is going from the first strings, u know! I think, this is my fav disk. But, there are, also, lots of cool things too. I like Flush the Fashion, Constrictor is excellent record. Trash is super class! Well, lots of different things!

So, I decide to draw musician. Well, I am a music listener by myself. Alice Copper came to your town with a concert. With style of Hey Stupid. Well, decide it for yourself – what record do you like the most. Maybe, it is mystical DragonTown, or heavy metal Brutal Planet. Simple, my favorite cd is Hey Stupid. So, he came to your place. And it starts a first song. Strong chords. It is going some rock. Alice is going on the stage. It is dark all around. Light is shining over musician. Everything is so spectacular! Excellent show – as I can say!

Hey bro! Take it slow! – it is starting a first song!

A lots of music listeners came to a music concert. To listen interesting songs. It will be lots of cool songs.  As I can say it is a good day today!

You ain`t live in a video! – Alice Cooper sings next. And he is performing some moves.

It is all in a fog. And light is dark. Dark blue. And to the center - it is more close to white. Interesting spectacular things! Fog, vapor. Light things. Everything is looks so cool!

So, for a long time, I think about to draw by music. I am a music listener by myself. So, this is my first drawing, and this is remarkable point for me. Before that, I spent lots of time. And now I will do it faster! And, so, it is music theme. 

Dima Link is making retro videogames, apps, a little of music, write stories, and some retro more.






Galactic is in move

Pixel art for today is based on Pulseman for game console Sega MegaDrive. Game is looks like similar with Sonic, Ristar. Zool, and, mainly, it is like some funny little human. Or some cool human. So, these kind of characters were at MegaDrive. And, I like game James Pond. First part. I play it with cartridge at Sega! There was a char Taz on Mars. Also, some funny little animal. There were lots of cool funny characters for Sega! So, here one more! Vectorman it was. Well, lots of them, actually! So, this is based on Pulseman! I don’t know what does it mean. Anyway. I think it is some normal Sega game! Well, it is ok to play it to try it!

And, this is my drawing based on Pulseman (SMD). You are landed at space labyrinth. Such a big space station. Amongst the space. It is consisting with most different sectors. So here – there are palms to grow. Well, they are not palm at all. And something unknown. But, it is growing straight in space. And, so, stones are here. Big stones, wow! It is rather unusual! And you run next to see what here is!

There are lots of interesting in space! So, space labyrinth is here! What can it be interesting here? So, let`s see! Turn on funny little music with player and let`s run to see what is next here!

So, space suit. And, so, gravitation. And, so, cool boots. And cool helmet. So, it is that’s for sure time to explore! So they are living here - little crabs! Space crabs. They are looking at you! They can to throw bubbles! Wow! What a crabs they are! And who know who else!

Dima Link is making retro videogames, apps, a little of music, write stories, and some retro more.






(1 edit)

Evening in the sands.

Music drawing for today. Based on Toni Iommi. And, as ideas, by his solo album. Seventh Star. And for me now, more reminds in my mind, more later records by Black Sabbath. And I like a lot Cd cycle with Toni Martin as vocal. And, here before our eyes, we have mysterious seventh star. Desert. Music. Rock music. Everything is so mysterious. Maybe, it is better view for a stars from a desert. It is very remarkable disk amongst the other records. So, sound with music of 80s and some nearest times. Best sound ever.

And, this is my drawing based on disk front cover Seventh Star by Toni Iommi. It was a desert wind. It was blowing. At night, it is getting colder. Just a desert. And, whole sea of sand. Sand. There are lots of sand here. Red dusk. This is beautiful. Someway. Calm.

It is so nice to have a walk in the evening. One more evening. One more city. One more concert. Scene is made of wood. Under your feet - there is a wood. So, lots of wood. Dark tone wood. And at the beginning it is always so dark. And later lights are start to shine.

Rock sounds. So interesting music. 80s. And next. Looks like, it will be endless. As a wind. As a space. And, maybe, tomorrow desert will change with forest or a city. Big or small. Seventh Star. It is excellent disk! And little fantasy about this theme.

 Dima Link is making retro videogames, apps, a little of music, write stories, and some retro more.






little elephant, dog, rhino! Adventure to the tea!

Pixel art for today based on videogame Rolo to the Rescue for game console Sega MegaDrive. What a good and kind game about a little elephant! He maybe is lost! And everyone around is searching for him! His friends – little animals! Or is it about something else! I need to get this cartridge and try to play! It is very interesting!

And this is my drawing based on Rolo to the Rescue (SMD). So here it is a little story about a funny little animal! It can be a little elephant, dog, rhino. Somekind of good and kind little animal! Today, it is so good day! Little animal thinks. It is good idea to go to a rabbit as a guest. And drink a tea.

And what kind of a rabbit? Most different. For example, let it be, like Tiny Toon! I remember - I like a lot to play it with NES! It is so bunny or a rabbit! He jumps! And, also, he collects little carrots with funny music! And raven speaks quack-quack! In the end of the level! I, all the time, – what purpose to do this! But, it was so funny and I like this moment a lot!

And let`s go back to our friend! He is just walking slowly, not fast. It is simple a walk. All around it is so green. After a little rain, maybe. And, little animal is walking. And watch all the bush. And, it is such a walking by screens! To get to the bunny or rabbit place! And drink a tea!

Dima Link is making retro videogames, apps, a little of music, write stories, and some retro more.






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