CosmoMeda – Cosmos Andromeda
Pixel art for today based on videogame Verytex for game console Sega Mega Drive. It is a space shooter. There are lots of them. And these games make this console really cool! Space. It is, of course, black. But, there are there galaxies and stars. It is, also, different. And colorful. And, of course, there are aliens, they live there. And lots of space ships. You, also, fly with something like that! Travel by stars!
And this is my drawing based on same theme Verytex (megaDrive). There are lots of aliens in space! For this time, it is appeared invisible huge planet. Now it is easy to see. As big as a sun by its size. Blue-green by colors. Blue as ice and ocean. And green as plains and grass. And from the planet, army of aliens fly out. It is move to Andromeda sector 123. It is a mechanical planet, as it is to find out. And it flies to this certain point. And, in that place, it becomes visible. And space ships fly out form there. Aliens are interesting in sector 123. There are lots of mineral Kvark. Kvark 12. Exists there, for example.
And somewhere far away from here. A milky way. You fly from that point. Such a cosmos. Everyone flies everywhere. And everyone needs something here and there. So, looks like, in a casual place. It is always someone to find something. Out of Kvark 12, it is made a case of mechanical planet. With the right work with this material, it is very strong and good to go for space.
So, it is find out that in sector Andromeda 256, again was detected same blue-green huge planet. And, there is there Kork-14. It is, also, a such material. How are connected these two distanced sectors in space? It is a big puzzle!
And you are awaiting the adventure action. About a little airplane. Fly and shoot. Space levels. Sprites. Such a game about a space. With a science fiction story. As a Star Gate, well, almost. And it is only a picture!
Dima Link is making retro videogames, apps, a little of music, write stories, and some retro more.