Princess and magic things - abandoned castle
Pixel art for today based on videogame Zeliard for computer system Ibm Pc Ms Dos. Version of the game with MCGA graphics. Role playing game. About fantasy. A thing, that lots of players likes. So, it is like it has a intro. With princess. As in Star Wars. This is a joke. It has some other story. About fantasy something. And next as explore of labyrinths it goes.
And, this is my drawing based on the same theme Zeliard (Ms Dos). Princess in a garden. In a shadows of a big castle. And, it is near a big garden with beautiful flowers. From all over the world. And here in a shadows - it is dark. And, there is a passage in a dark part of the castle. And, there are there a catacombs. And underground labyrinths.
Princess has a emerald sword. Which can shine in the darkness. It is light. And fast. And, it collects inside a magic force. It can change its color according to magic part. Right now, it is sword of ice.
Princess has, already, explored several passages. But, it is still, not the end of the labyrinth. Interesting to see what place it will lead. Princess thinks. It is so interesting to see what is next. Right now, there are small rats, skeletons, bats. But, one day, gargoyle attacks princess. So, black stone statue. In one of halls. It is alive. It starts to move. Situation was saved with emerald sword. With ice magic. And magic. Princess, also, knows magic. Several fireballs. And several lightings. It is to use some mana.
No one never told about this part of the castle. She appeared here by a case. And, using some time she explores this catacombs. A big garden has their little roads. And, so, she has a walk in a garden, one day. She suddenly understands, that she is in old part of the castle. And, rare people are here. And there is abandoned part of the castle is here.
So, here in the garden, magic bunny is living. And, he runs in the garden. And, if you to find him. He can suggest you a magic potions. Potion of heal and potion of magic force. In exchange with coins, that you find in dungeon. Another coins he does not accept. Only from the dungeon. And he all the time runs in the garden. So, first, you need to find him!
So this is a magic things for princess in a magic kingdom!
Dima Link is making retro videogames, apps, a little of music, write stories, and some retro more.