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Dota Survivors, Final beta.

A topic by DiosMuerto created Apr 29, 2022 Views: 239
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(2 edits)

Hola, aqui les traigo el Beta final de mi juego

Dota Survivors, esta inspirado en Vampire survivors.
El juego esta disponible para android y navegador web.
"Caba recalcar que la version final estara hecha solo para android"
Ahora el juego tiene un ranking online para que superen a los demas jugadores.

El juego consiste en sobrevivir el mayor tiempo posible, para ello debes eliminar enemigos con los poderes que se te daran cada vez que subes de nivel.

Podras mejorar los poderes hasta nivel 10 como maximo. Al llegar a nivel 10 tendran una mejora extra.
Controles, si es celular es todo tactil.
Si es pc... Botenes para moverse serian las flechas o AWSD, y el boton de accion seria "C" o tambien "Space"
El juego tiene 2 desbloqueables, una intro simple y diversion asegurada.
Bueno Pruebenlo y me dicen que  tal.

Link Online:
Link Android APK: O tambien lo puedes bajar de entrando a mi link.

Video demo:


Hello, here I bring you the final Beta of my game
Dota Survivors, is inspired by Vampire survivors.

Dota Survivors, is inspired by Vampire survivors. The game is available for android and web browser. "It should be emphasized that the final version will be made only for android" Now the game has an online ranking to beat the other players.

The game consists of surviving as long as possible, for this you must eliminate enemies with the powers that will be given to you every time you level up.

You can improve powers up to level 10 maximum. Upon reaching level 10 they will have an extra upgrade. Controls, if it is a cell phone, it is all touch. If it's PC... Buttons to move would be the arrows or AWSD, and the action button would be "C" or also "Space" The game has 2 unlockables, a simple intro and guaranteed fun. Well try it and tell me how it is.

Online Link: Link Android APK: Or you can also download it from by entering my link.

Video demo: