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A narrative ARG/Detective game that gives you your own digital assistant. · By SUPERSTRING

Where is the game?

A topic by DodgerB created Apr 29, 2022 Views: 134 Replies: 1
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Completed the prologue, bought this, but nothing changed.

I tried resetting the data from the in game menu, got thru to the wardrobe, but still nothing new.

Others have mentioned a password. Are we supposed to have a password to put in on the bottom tab?

Had to reinstall the game again, delete everything, find where the app hid its data (in LocalLow), delete all that, play everything again, and now it seems to be continuing. Not ideal.
It also refused to do the personality test until I quit and started again. I kept saying "personality test" and it kept saying it didn't understand. Very nearly went for the refund. I know it's EA, but it shouldn't be that annoying.