Add items, secret paths, and all the bunch from the second video!
A timeline that connects all the popular cat memes made interactive! · By
“later” more liek 59 days ago lol
Hmmmm maybe if you can have a separate window containing all the items you have and clicking on the items on the time when it is possible to use maybe?? For the konami code idk maybe if they type it in they get the time machine thingy, but if someone is on mobile then that means they cant just type it in maybe just a simple decision like how the timeline splits? Or make a secret in the supposed beginning of time when you scroll down far enough… For the portal gun maybe split it into two parts Portal Gun (Blue) Portal Gun (Orange) Timeline cycler if you click on the item at the beginning of time it will charge infinite time energy for the half-planet destroyer (forgor name (These are just suggestions))