Hi, and before saying anything else: good job, I did enjoy my time reading the novel.
I'm just here to write MY thoughs of the novel, so if someone disagreed with me, take a ticket and wiat in the line ok ?
So before talking about the novel itself, I want to talk how I enjoy the first novel and how exited to see the 2nd novel.
The 1 st "episode" introduce us with some character that we know little to nothing about there backstory (Or only in broad terms) and, even with multiple endings, we can find wich is the "canon ending" easely (Like I did >:D ) and knowing that a sequel were in preperation was a good news, because, like a good movie, we want the "magic" to continue again and again.
So yeah, went the sequel got out, I new I was gonna have a good reading time.... And I wasn't disappointed at all.
(Ok I don't really know how much I'm gonna spoil but there will be some spoilers so if you didn't read/finish redaing the novel, DO IT NOW!)
So at the start of the novel, the story assume we already read the first one (Not a bad thing since it's "another story 2" we can assume that there is a "Another story 1" before.) since it greeting us with our 1 st MC some times after the "canon ending" (wich, for me, was no surprise) and we go through the story like the 1 novel: with multiples POV, and with some day and night cycle event. It sounf confusing but we can easely understand went the POV change, even if at some point each character got is own "adventure" wich can be hard to follow. I wont talk about the story here but I did like reading it.
But I do have some things to say about some of the news characters introduce some side story and the ending (So SPOILERS!)
If some of them where just here as some side characters (wich I got nothing agains that), some feel like poorly exploited or introcude too early, and this affect how I felt about the ending, wich is far too fuzzy and will require me to read it again and note everything on a side note (someone said "game theory" ?) to understant it (or maybe I'm just an idiot :'( ) but apart for some ref (I got one of those btw X) ) it give me some "KH3 ending" vibes, with more questions than anwers, with in some ways, is a good thing but some part of me want to know and understand everything so it's really frustrating(But that just me). Also, some of the side story feels purposeless (is that even a word ?) like we don't really get why thoses happen in the first place (like, that cool and all.... but why the point of this ?) and like the ending, thoses "KH3 ending" vibes are here , but it's not frutration here, more like misunderstanding. Oh but don't take this like it's bad thing , it just show how involved I am in the novel.
And knowing that there will be a 3rd novel (at least that what I understand) just make me more impatient about it, but I'll wait.....
Overall, a good story, a nice soundtrack, good visuals and if I have to give a score, it would be....
8/10, yeah I'm good with this score.
That it, this is MY review of "Another Story 2", from a guy that like fnia VN made by fans like you and enjoyed your work.
(PS: nothing to do with the game, but I work on making my own fnia VN, but when I conpare my story with those already made (I shouldn't do that but I can't stop myself form doing it :( ),it fell like some kind of copy/paste story with some part different, like I copied some homeworks and change a few things to hidden it. Yeah I shouldn't say all this but I'm a complete idiot, but Im' happy at least X.)
See you next novel.