Yesterday I released a simulator/sandbox/programming/retro-computer-y thing I've been working on, called: FREM Sprite32! Right now, you can play around in sandbox mode and learn all about the language that powers the machine: FREMScript.
Get it here: https://negative11.itch.io/frem-sprite32
Current Features
- Write programs using the high-level FREMScript interpreted programming language
- Read the in-game manual to learn the language, discover system settings, and copy code examples to run in the editor.
- Display text and get keyboard input from the user as the program runs.
- Get feedback in the status window for current system state, including program errors and highlighting.
- Play with sprites, pixels, the color grid, and 3-channel waveform audio generation.
- Save and load files, even swap out the default boot program with your own!
Check out the Devlog for more about features, plans for the future, etc.
There is also a GitHub repository with numerous examples to get you started. For instance, I've been working on a simple little single player pong-like game this morning: