posted a bug here
hi im trying to draw line in three.js from one dynamically created Actor model to another
1st level is 0,0,0 actor
2nd level of nested Actors give correct cords and line is ok
3rd level of nested Actors give incorrect cords and line is wrong
let toStar=([1] as Sup.Actor);
let staractor=([0] as Sup.Actor);
let toStarp=toStar.getChildren()[0].getPosition();
let staractorp=staractor.getChildren()[0].getPosition();
let g=new THREE.Geometry();
g.vertices.push(new THREE.Vector3(staractorp.x,staractorp.y,staractorp.z));
g.vertices.push(new THREE.Vector3(toStarp.x,toStarp.y,toStarp.z));
let line=new THREE.Line(g,new THREE.LineBasicMaterial({color:0xFFFFFF,opacity:0.5} ));
tryed to compute via recursion add getLocalPosition()+getParent().getPosition() but values are still wrong...