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[Translator] Translator English-French in desire to help!

A topic by PlumeOfACat created May 17, 2022 Views: 103
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I'm a translation student who needs some experience and I would love to help you to drown more people into your game (not literally! ... or maaayyybbbeeee ๐Ÿ˜) by allowing your players to have access to the french language! 

I know it could seem unuseful to get the french subtitle at least, but most people who talk french doesn't do the effort to learn properly English or have too many difficulties understanding the international language. Then this will help your game to be more accessible to a pretty part of the internet population! (after all, french is in the top 5 of the most talked language! It is important!)

Concerning money, I have one simple rule ''if you don't get paid for the game, I don't want to get paid''! For the rest, we can discuss it later! 

In the hope to work with you,

Plume Of A Cat