I'm having difficulty catching a morata fish and would like to ask if anyone has any advice on how to find one. Do I need to go fishing at certain times of day or night, or is there a certain condition I need to meet first? I've gone fishing dozens of times without any success. I'm wondering if the morata fish can be caught at any time but just has a very low probability of success, or if it's even available in v0.21. I've spent a good 30 days (in-game) hunting for bait, fishing unsuccessfully for a morata fish, then sleeping for a day or two while waiting for the vegetables (the ones with the bait) to regrow so I can get more bait to fish with. I love my sticks and rocks but want some morata to go with them. At least I have Nauxus to help console me after a hard day of fishing.
I love the game, but I'm a little frustrated with this and would appreciate any help any can give! Thanks!