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Rebop Blasters

An overpowered platform fighter with destructible terrain and a procedurally generated jazz soundtrack. · By dean_sick

Abandoned game?

A topic by conclavice created May 22, 2022 Views: 378 Replies: 4
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I tried joining the discord and the link didn’t work, is this game abandoned or is there just a big update in the work, I love this so far and I hope there good to be more


Asking if a game is abandoned is rather rude (especially if you didn’t actually pay the dev.) There is no upadate on the way, I provide bug fixes, the discord link is broken because we had an influx of spambots. Have a nice day.

okay, sorry about that


I’m glad you enjoyed the game, just felt like a bit of a slap to wake up to. No hard feelings.

fair enough, I think I read the alpha part in the title and it just didn’t click that it was a joke. I do like this game, I think it’s more than finished