Every time you try to use a sentence with paragon, then EVERY time it adds ANOTHER task in the available tasks, despite it already being completed. You then have to wait for her to do her annoying search, then when that timer is up you're locked into viewing the ppt and going through all the dialogue yet again.
Then, it adds ANOTHER number to the tracker total. Currently I have a yellow 4 and counting - but it's all just repeats of paragon. Pretty annoying.
And now it's just stuck in the dialogue. It literally says "let me know when you've taken a look" but if you type "I've taken a look" it just says I'm not Following you. Maybe reframe your question?
For starters, this isn't a question, and for seconds, it is LITERALLY what i was told to write, and it DOESN'T recognise it?
Do you see how infuriating this is getting? Happens all the time. It's worse than those old text based or text typing/graphics games of about 30 years ago