Hello, I am Efi. I am developing a game engine that can import TMX maps made with Tiled (https://thorbjorn.itch.io/tiled).
If you have ever used Tiled, I have a few questions for you:
How do you use it in your game making process? Do you just use it to make an image to use in your game or do you use object layers to add functionality etc?
What features do you expect an engine to support? For example, I think “Infinite Maps” is detrimental to keep around when importing a map into a game because changing tiles can unexpectedly offset the layers, but maybe it’s worth allowing…
What conventions do you use? I usually have a layer named Collision for collider mapping, and a Z-level property, but maybe you do different things! I want to know!
And anything else you can tell me about how you use this tool or other similar tools would be helpful, thanks~ <3