I was telling some friends that I plan to participate in the Summer Sales and someone said "It'd be nice to be able to input an amount up front". I was confused as to what he meant since you already can input your goal amount, so he clarified.
What he meant to say was allowing us to input an amount for a goal that has already been partially achieved. For instance, if you have a goal of $500 but you already got $100 (from a previous sale for example), you'd be able to set your Earning Goal to 100$/500$ to let people know how much progress you've already made.
The reason behind this, according to him, is that people are more willing to donate if the donation amount is no longer at 0 so, starting already with a small partial amount could potentially make people more likely to buy your bundle and help you profit from your sale.
I could be wrong but this feels like something that would be relatively simple to implement?